Changing Fandom Tastes

Jul 20, 2008 16:02

I created this journal on the 15th August 2004 after I'd written the first part of my very first Sapnder series From out of Nowhere. It sat vacant for a couple of months while I stared at an empty page and wondered what the fuck one was supposed to do with a Livejournal anyway. Then amejisuto, who I met at one of the auto-archives (was it Step Away from my Xander, Nummy Treats, or I need a Parrot?), plucked me out of my mucking fuddle, gave me a basic layout, a whole heap of links, icons and recs and taught me what a flist was.

Since then, to a greater or lesser extent, I have lurked the darkened hallways of Livejournal. I've read enough fic to fill a small library, written more fic than Stephen King has written rough drafts, made icons and banners, created communities and a personal LJ, made many good friends, had a few arguments, mostly steered clear of the kerfuffles, and followed too many fandoms than is probably healthy. And I'm still here.

My fandom activities have changed somewhat over the years. I still judge in the Btvs/Ats fandom and I will be attending the Writercon again this year, I still watch and love SGA, I still read selectively in the Harry Potter fandom (thank you, literati), and I still run we_love_dick and read the occasional Dick/Clark or Dick/Tim in the DC Comics fandom. I'm also part way through writing a Draco/Iron Man fic, a Draco/Charlie/Harry fic, and a one-shot to Grief Counseling.

And I'm about to start reading Tochwood fic, namely Jack/Ianto, because I just discovered this week that Torchwood rocks like Kilimanjaro.

I have 691 people friended, 356 of which are mutual. I'm a member of 112 communities. I've posted 15,267 comments and received 15,808.

My point is, my tastes and Livejournal rituals have changed over the years and I'm wondering about yours. How did you start out on LJ? What fandoms have you followed? What fandoms do you follow now? Give me your life story, all of you!

To make it a little easier there is also a small poll under the cut.

Poll Fandom Tastes

If your fandom doesn't appear on the lists, let me know in a comment.

poll, my fandom

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