Drabble: Stuff Your Bloody Truffles - Ron/Draco

Jun 03, 2008 21:46

Title: Stuff Your Bloody Truffles
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ron/Draco (Post Hogwarts)
Word count: 100
Summary: You can tell if a relationship is going to work out by the picnic food your partner serves up.

Beta'd by amejisuto

Written for entrenous88 because I lost a bet over the hd_worldcup. She wanted Ron/Draco and a picnic as her prize. Enjoy, honey.

This thing with Draco, it wasn’t going to work.

Crème brulée, tiny cucumber sandwiches, champagne. Crystal flutes, sunlight flashing from every facet.

Ron pointed to a collection of lumps nestling on a pristine china platter. ‘What the f-?’

‘Truffles.’ Draco sipped at the champagne with delicate lips.

Ron tried a truffle. And spat it out. It landed on a sandwich and sat like an evil cherry on top of a malevolent triangle cake. ‘Chocolate, my arse!’

‘It’s fungus.’

‘You did that on purpose!’

Draco smirked. ‘The bacon butties are in the basket.’

This thing with Draco, it was perfect.
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