Fic: Parity Transformations - Harry/Draco - 2/? - NC-17 overall

Jul 23, 2007 18:51

Title: Parity Transformations

Fandom: HP

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Rating: NC-17 overall

Summary: Eleven years since he ran from Hogwarts and seven years since the end of the war, Draco has moved on. Now in his late twenties, Draco lives a reclusive life in a tiny village in Hampshire. Never in a million years does he expect to cross paths with ( Read more... )

parity transformations, my hp fic

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vinniebatman July 23 2007, 18:10:27 UTC
Another wonderful chapter.
The community, the people you create, are so layered and real; I love it!
And the boys, ::sighs:: of course they're fighting, their dads fight all the damn time.


suki_blue July 23 2007, 19:14:23 UTC
Thank you very much!

And the boys, ::sighs:: of course they're fighting, their dads fight all the damn time.

Like father, like son. Auw.


vinniebatman July 23 2007, 20:10:06 UTC
I hope that the boys become good friends, though.
Because they're going to lead a peculiar life as wizards in the muggle world, so they'll always need to be careful about what they say in front of muggles. It would be good for them to have each other. I wonder about Harry, though.
Is he still friends with Hermione and Ron?
Are all the people offed in DH offed in this story line?


suki_blue July 23 2007, 20:55:17 UTC
It would be good for them to have each other.

It most definitely would. You know me, though, I won't make it too easy.

Are all the people offed in DH offed in this story line?

Nope, it's all different. Just consider it AU after book 6. ~g~


vinniebatman July 23 2007, 20:58:15 UTC
Good, cuz I read the spoilers and they gave me the anger.

And of course it won't be easy!


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