Some thanks and a doggy picspam

Mar 09, 2007 21:01

Firstly, and shit I should have done this a couple of days ago, thank you so very much to my darling amejisuto for my Buffy books, the second of which arrived a couple of days ago. They're so helpful and very interesting, plus I didn't actually have any guides for the latter seasons. Already the second book has helped and I shall be including a particular scene in the next chapter of Teenage Dirtbage which was originally intended to be included in the episode Prophecy Girl. Watch out for it and points to those that spot it!

Secondly, thank you, thank you, thank you to trekgirl55 for the tea and the Fortune Snookies. I haven't tried the tea yet (saving it for Saturday), but Indy has already gone flip-me-upside-down-crazy for the Snookies. I came home from my late shift this evening to find him sitting in front of a large brown box; apparantly Grandad had read the custom label and announced to him that there were, indeed, Fortune Snookies "all the way from America!" inside. I do believe Indy spent approx seven hours staring at the box before I came home. LOL!

Both of you, thank you so much. I'm all sniffly that you guys care enough to think of me and supply me with presents. Hee!

And now for the picspam:

Here is Indy finally getting inside the sacred treasure chest.

Here is Indy proving to the world that he's a poor starving animal.

Here is Indy trying to convince Grandad that three Snookies at once was not enough.

personal stuff, rl stuff, pics

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