(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 17:04

Today I suffered the horror of the annual Staff Conference and, mind-boggling as it is, it was actually even more boring than last year. It really didn't help that most of the speakers were French. Their accents were so thick and they talked so fast that I only caught about every fourth word. I spent the last thirty minutes thinking about how short to cut my hair and what colour I should dye it. So....I'm thinking brown without any red this time. I fancy a change.

Last night I managed to finish what I am calling the 'first draft' of my SGA vid. I'm really pleased with the results. Now I'm gonna step back for a couple of days and look at it again with fresh eyes. There are a few clips that I'm not sure about so I reckon I'll be able to come to a decision after a break. Also, there are a couple of spots were the vid sort of 'hangs'. I'm gonna investigate why that is happening.

Flist time!!!! ~runs away~
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