Mckay and Mrs Miller

Sep 09, 2006 13:41

My thoughts on last night's ep

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sga eps, sga

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darkhavens September 9 2006, 19:12:44 UTC
The hiatus is usually between eps 10 and 11 - we had the Storm/Eye two parter in S1 and the Lost Boys/Hive two-parter in S2, which means we should brace for another drawn out cliffhanger ep ( ... )


suki_blue September 9 2006, 21:12:47 UTC
6 months??? More? MEEP!! Oh noes!! I'm not sure I can cope. So that means we've only got another couple of eps to go?? Bollocks. What's BSG?

Oh, my god, the clubs. YES!!! I loved that whole scene.

ACE!!! Hee!!!

I really want more Jeannie. I wonder if she'll come back in a few S4 eps. I really hope so.

I'm sure that was John's laptop. Of course he has a copy. I'm completely convinced!

Hee! I had several squee moments! I loved the little McSheppy moments. I can't wait for The Game!!

Oh, oh, oh did you notice that DH called Jeannie 'Katie' at one point? Hee! Slip! Whoops!

I think that was my fav ep of S3 so far. I need more. No hiatus! Stoopid!!


darkhavens September 9 2006, 22:17:48 UTC
BSG is Battlestar Galactica - Sci-Fi's favourite child, for now at least. That's the show that's benefiting from their entire advertising budget, that's being pimped far and wide, while Stargate is left in the corner. And then Sci-Fi complain about the ratings! (*has sci-fi issues*)

He said Katie? Oooooh! I must rewatch (again) and try to catch that! I'm sure they will have dubbed it by the time it gets a second screening. They're sneaky like that. *g*

The six month thing was a rumour that surfaced a month or so ago, but I have no clue whetehr it was real, done to test the waters, or just an evil trick that was played on us. But if it's real, I plan to email Sci-Fi and express my displeasure - every damn day my show is off the air. :D

I want 'John calls Rodney 'Meredith' in bed and has to pay the price' fic. ;)


suki_blue September 10 2006, 10:01:41 UTC
Oh! Yes, I keep meaning to give that a go. Still, that's not fair! I join you in your issues!

He says it while he's sitting at the desk and she's staring out the window. He says it really quickly and with his accent it sounds like 'kadie', but I'm convinced!

If it is real I shall email to. I don't understand why these shows have to have a hiatus. Lost does it every year and it's so annoying!! That reminds me, any idea when Traveler is going on air? I REALLY enjoyed the pilot ~g~

Meredith! I nearly died ~wants it too~


darkhavens September 11 2006, 21:19:55 UTC
I was a huge fan of the original BSG, and I have a healthy fear of remakes, so I probably won't be getting invested in this version. I haven't been sufficiently inspired to dl even one episode as yet.

Yay! Another Traveler proto-fan! Sadly, as yet, there is still no news on when exactly it's going to be screened, though it's touted to appear in January. *crosses toes*

Also, production has moved from new York to *drumroll please* Vancouver!!! So now I have three shows to play 'spot the familiar face/place' in. :D


suki_blue September 12 2006, 18:30:02 UTC
Yeah, I loved the original but I hadn't really thought too much about watching the new version. I am kinda curious.

Traveler was awesome! Totally cool! I'll certainly cross my toes.

What is it about Vancouver? Must be the place to be!


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