Dr Who. But first, some random RL stuff..

Jul 08, 2006 19:48

...with my new red handbag. I got it from Marks & Spencers yesterday and I'm besotted. I just wanna take it everywhere. Which is handy.

Had to work today. Woke up with really bad period pain. Cured it with a clever combination of pain killers, presence of new red handbag and a MacDonald's Sausage and egg Muffin meal.

Went shopping at lunchtime for holiday clothes. Spent a fotune, but gained some wicked nice outfits.

Had haircut. It's quite a bit shorter. I know that people always say that they love my hair when it's longer, but it just doesn't work for me. It's naturally curly and gets very dry and fuzzy, and considering that I'm getting a lot of gray now too, it just isn't practical. Bought some hair dye too. My roots needed doing several months ago, but I was too lazy. Going red, as per usual. Not going so bright this time.

I really enjoyed Dr Who. I loved the Daleks and the Cybermen arguing over who was more superior etc. Very funny. Cried though the last ten minutes. It was absolutely heartbreaking. Now I'm hoping that the next series will lighten up a tad seeing as I sobbed through at least 50% of this last series. We got a glimpse at a woman who is presumably the next assistant, and it looks to me like we're going down a comedy route. Good.

Now I must go write Grief Counseling. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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