Ficlette: Welcome Home - NC-17 - Giles

Feb 06, 2006 20:52

Title: Welcome Home

Fandom: BTVS/Cthulhu Mythos

Pairing: None. Just Giles.

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Gen, Darkfic, Horror, and...I'll give it away if I tell you, so just be warned. ~g~

Summary: Giles has spent his entire life searching for the parallel dimension which is home to the great city of R’lyeh. He finds it.

Feedback: Yes, please. I realise that this fic is far from my normal 'thing', but I just had an urge. I'd apreciate your comments ~smiles sweetly~

Dedication: I would like to dedicate this ficlette firstly to H. P. Lovecraft himself - a man beyond talent and the original creator of the Cthulhu Mythos. Secondly, I would like to dedicate this fic to lunabee34, my dear friend who I'm very much looking forward to meeting at writercon. Love you, TF.

Beta'd by the one and only kitty_poker1.

There was a reason that some mysteries of the universe were just that. Wonders of man that were never meant to be seen - never meant to be poked, prodded and puzzled over.

Some mysteries cracked open like a nutshell and showed you the delight inside, while others were harder to break, with a core of molten wonder that was so powerful it could sear your eyes out at a single glance if it were ever to be exposed.

And somewhere there was a line; the mysteries of man - good and evil - crossing over to mysteries that reached far beyond the scope of anything human or animal.

There were warnings to steer the curious away from the icy depths of knowledge that came from crossing that line, but why risk the crossing, anyway? Was it worth it? Was it worth burning your brain and subjecting your consciousness to inconceivable madness? Surely better to avoid the unknown and live in blissful ignorance.

One man rose above the warnings, crossed the line and went in search of the impossible - a dimension parallel to ours that housed creatures that were surely similar to our own. A universe of answers awaited the one who could seek and find it through forbidden texts and an ancient bas relief. It was a promise of pride and ultimate fulfilment to be the one that stepped over and saw.

Like entrapment, they knew one day the curious would come.

And he did.

Twenty years ago, with a tome thought only mythic, he recited words long lost - a desolate language hardly pronounceable by the human tongue. By fluke, luck, earnest research and years of obsession the nut finally cracked, and for the briefest of moments the universe split in two and the searcher found his bounty.

A blood-filled world of twisted, horrific beings slept in silence absolute. Lying beyond the living gate of Yog-Sothoth, the unfathomable creatures stirred, disturbed by the scent of new flesh and both enraged and pleased at the interruption.

The line was cracked, gone. The reason for the warnings now so clear and the result terrifyingly apparent.

Heads twisted and mouths opened to release a noise so horrifying that the bravest of men would have dropped dead at its inception.

Giles stood strong, frozen in his own world and gazing in petrified horror at the alien earth beyond. As his hair turned instantly white and his bowels released, he finally realised the gravity of his actions.

The jaws of the gate salivated and began to close as the beings seized their chance. Soaring towards our world - any world that would be better than theirs - misshapen wraiths laughed like screaming babies and prepared to spread their infection upon another curious, foolhardy world. Like runaways in a night of thunder and torment, the creatures raced for something more than just life. They raced for death.

Giles could barely watch the agonising slowness of the closing gate - the one true mouth of Hell. He trembled at the maniacal glee that contaminated each creature as it turned and sprinted for its new playground.

The torturous sounds of the alien world finally got the better of him - only seconds of maddening noise to tear the sanity from one formerly so steady. Giles grasped his ears, not content with meagrely muffling but tearing to seal off any avenue of screeching torment.

The messengers of insanity sped close, a second of time flowing for eternity and longer. A shadow reared from the chaos, a terrible silhouette of a king rising from perpetual rest to smother a new world. Cthulhu - a great creature of living Chaos, the once king of all the stars and wherever it roamed before a banishing by The Elder Gods sealed it in a world of isolation.

The beast, woken from an eon past, grinned countless rows of ivory towers, its mouth opening wide enough to swallow and devour a thousand suns. Thick globules of water slid and slipped around its engorged features, its tentacles rising to catch and feed upon its hybrid children. Its skin ripped and parted with sickening effort, revealing what could only be eyes, two black pools of something far beyond malevolence. A promise to rule and conquer swam within.

Now it was awake. Now it had seen. Now it knew.

And it was so close. Giles felt it all around him, as though it had always been here - waiting, lurking, biding its time before its great rising.

And that was the terrifying thing, you see.

Giles opened his mouth wide and screamed. They had always been here. From beneath us all, they would one day devour. R’lyeh, the city of The Great Old ones, sprawled eternally beneath the Pacific, beneath the sea bed and deep down inside the core of the earth.

Now they had seen us all.

The gate closed with a great clash of teeth, a fantastical glimpse gone and a mortal mind permanently imprinted with a terror that could not be defeated by a million Slayers.

Now they had seen us all.

The room was quiet, daylight streaming through the windows and the muffled sound of children playing in the distance.

Now they had seen us all.

And now Giles understood. It had been written. A prophecy of a man that woke The Great Old Ones with his need to solve a mystery.

And now, two decades from that fateful day, the sun’s course through the cursed zodiac had faded the constellations and darkened the moon. Cthulhu was fully awake and ready to cross the line that was no longer there.

This was always meant to happen. They were always meant to come.

Giles was glad. In twenty years he’d told no-one of the prophecy, and had instead languished in madness and locked himself in a silent white room that did nothing to dampen the knowledge of the coming slaughter.

In R'Lyeh he dwells, bound in timeless sleep by those who would hold back the darkness of Outer Hells and stem the fate of Man. Yet the darkness shall prevail, the destiny of Man is sealed and graven. **

He was always meant to be the one.

They had seen us all.

And they came.

La mayyitan ma qadirun yatabaqqa sarmadi
Fa idha yaji' al-shudhdhadh fa-l-maut qad yantahi.

'That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.' **

** Abdul Alhazred, the Necronomicon.

lovecraft, single fics, giles

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