It's been so long since I posted in here that I'm just remembering some things I need to catch up on, for anyone who reads this lol
This was sometime last month actually, well the end of Febuary actually, and although it's all past, I felt I should share this because it's important for people to know, that you should never stop doing what you love doing just because some ignorant people have no idea what they're talking about. What happened when I returned home wasn't nice, and I was upset for a little while, but all in all it was such a great weekend that I wasn't going to let petty people ruin it for me.
I attended London Super Comic Convention for the weekend, The first day I went dressed as Lara Croft. I know that there are better versions around, but I'm a fan of the Tomb Raider series and think she's a great character, so I thought I would try, it's a costume I wore before to other conventions and people seemed to like it, they wanted my picture and if it was that bad, they wouldn't?
Anyway when I returned home, a friend of mine, actually a few friends of mine, said I ended up in the Sunday Sun Newspaper. I don't normally read it, but it was exciting! A national newspaper!
Then another friend of mine sent me a link to the online version of the newspaper, she gave me a pre-warning, that although the comments on that article from people are ignorant and stupid, that they were all proud of me (not sure why I was hardly the best costumer in my humble opinion) but here's the link to the article with the picture in question, I admit it's not the most flattering I've looked, but I was very tired at the time as I had no sleep the night before. You might need to wait a few seconds for the comment section to load.
If you still can't see them, basically they were saying that I had tree trunks for legs, thunder thighs, general fat jokes.
I know that I had put on weight since I couldn't fit in my jeans anymore, but the odd thing is that in other pictures they didn't look like that, I think it was a bad angle (and no it's not an excuse!) however at the time, well, it certainly hurt because I had felt that since I couldn't fit in my jeans that maybe I did look on the flabby side without knowing it. It did hurt. Because when you think there might be something wrong with you in your own opinion, and people point it out without it having been pointed out to them...
I got over the initial hurt but it took a little while for me to feel good about myself and my body image, I still want to fit in my jeans, and I still think areas need toning, but generally I'm okay about myself.
Besides that, you might notice that a lot more people actually stuck up for me in the end rather than those that put me down. It's not just me though, a few comments had a go at other costumers as well, and I learned something I knew before but bigger this time - these people have no life. Myself and my friends do this for fun and we love it, and in the past there have been blogs and articles, with idiots insulting my friends on their choice of costume or their body image, and really I guess it is ones of those things that you just have to let roll off of you, and I do, it's not nice to begin with but at the end of the day (like one of my favorite musicians sings; GACKT) I'll be damned if I let internet trolls, or mean people in general, stop me from what I love doing best.
Besides, you get to meet some rather awesome people...XD
We were in the queue to have our comics signed, and we did not expect this AT ALL. He wanted a picture with US!
Starstuck...You bet ya!