I would have used my Aiba!bakery icon for this post, if the purpose of this whole one-post-a-day wasn't the CB countdown (if you haven't noticed yet XD)
Another one of those a-little-bit-of-everything posts ^__^
Here's a list of topics:~ Ghibli bentous
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I need to buy another one and bigger, but in the future ^^;
but on other reports I read that in other days ( forgot which one) they had.. a pity not camera on toma/jun day ;____;
I read so many reports, that I want video recording of everything... the last dvd extra were too short ;__;
they must have had cameras for dome. If they didn't I'd get really worried on whether they were really gonna release a DVD for this tour or not ><
Ah I know what you mean >< No matter how many things they include in the DVD it's never gonna be enough XD
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