[fanreports] NEWS Winter Party Diamond - Tokyo Dome 12.30

Dec 30, 2008 23:40


♪~ Ryo-chan depressed and tsukkomi-ed on the first day of Tokyo Dome
♪~ RUSS-K & Lawson: TegoPi, loser!Shige XD
♪~ Special guests: MatsuJun & Ikuta Toma
♪~ YamaToma rabu
♪~ MatsuJun gets his way in someone else's concert... with style
♪~ NEW SONG! NEW SONG! NEW SONG! NEWS original song especially for Dome!
♪~ Another rumored, hiding guest

Fan report #1
Source: punipuni

Today's guests were Matsumoto Jun-kun and Ikuta Toma-kun.
After that Hey!Say!Jump!
Well, HSJ always appear as guests, so it was kind of normal.
Yappari, with Jun-kun and Toma the tension went high!

Toma wasn't able to go to NEWS' dome concert before, but he finally came this time.
Their hug was very cute. Yappari Yamapi x Ikuta are so fitting.

Jun-kun said during the MC that he likes weeeek and would like to sing it together!
In the encore Ikuta also joined in.
Jun-kun had with him color's lyrics card, rode on the vehicle, and sang while listening to Ryo-chan.
As expected, the rap part seemed to be a bit hard, but he had another wish; singing with Yamapi the "laugh laugh" part. He seemed to be quite enjoying himself ^__^

In the end, at center stage, it was Jun-kun x Ryo-chan x Toma x Yamapi.
After the song ended, Jun-kun and Yamapi made a high five!
Bad news: there was no DVD being recorded. So unless some fanvids or photos come up somewhere, it's lost for ever T__T
In the end, Jun-sama took off his hat and properly greeted the stage before leaving.

This fan report mentioned a Yamapi x Toma performance from Jr. days. This a good TPO to reminisce ^__^

1999 Music Jump ~ Yamapi x Ikuta Toma - neko neko roketto

Fan report #2
Source: uhdrops8
Kei: Thank you for being here! This is Koyama Keiichiro.
Massu: Masuda as in Ma~! MAX. Su~! SUPER. Da~! Daisuki da ze [I love you]
Ryo: Everyone in Japan, konnichiwa~ (shi~n from the audience. Ryo-chan gets depressed!)
Yamapi: If you collapse, I'll take care of you.

The other member greetings were omitted in the report
☆~ Talking about their RUSS-K designed T-shirts, it seemed Tegoshi's was easy to figure out. When Yamapi spread the T-shirt, he changed his voice and started saying, "Tegoshi desu, Tegoshi desu."
☆~ Lawson karaage-kun voting poll. Shige voted for the flavor he made once every day!
☆~ Guests: MatsuJun and Toma.
As soon as they got on stage:
Toma: (talking to Ryo-chan) Oi! You, talk!! (Ryo-chan tsukkomi-ed! Ryo-chan hadn't said a single word till the guests went on stage)
Ryo: I slipped up during the greetings and have been feeling down ever since.
Jun wanted to sing weeeek, and it seems it was planned for him to cut in on Ryo-chan's part and sing together with Yamapi.
It seems Yamapi told Toma to go to the concert this time, and Toma rushed over! They hugged, and Toma started touching Yamapi's upper arms
Toma: Nice upper arms!
Yamapi: Playful, as always, aren't you.
☆~ Since it's Tokyo Dome, the members made a special announcement of a song all six of them composed - lyrics and music. Shige thought hard about the title, but in the end they went with "Share" that Ryo-chan suggested without too much thought.
Ryo: Excuse me. I'm a bundle of good sense, you see.
Each wrote the lyrics to the part he sings.

It seems the song is good. The fan who wrote the report said she was about to cry.

Part of the lyrics Yamapi wrote is more or less:
離れていても 心は繋がっている
(hanareteitemo kokoro wa tsunagatteiru) ~ even if we are apart, our hearts are connected
The word "star" appears often in this song, too.
☆~ MatsuJun and Toma rode on the vehicles going around the stage.
☆~ YamaToma were continuously chit chatting among themselves.
☆~ Toma sang "kirameki no kanata" with NEWS, though he didn't know the lyrics XD So Yamapi was telling him the lyrics, but in the end it was Yamapi singing.
☆~ MatsuJun was feeling quite comfortable in other people's concert XD Singing confidently, making direct eye contact with the camera XD A real show-man, ne~ ^__^
☆~ There are rumors that Uchi-kun was there, too.


Nikkan Sports article
Thanks to sakuraminamoto who confirmed I wasn't hallucinating when I read that article ♥

Somebody, find a recording of that song! (>.<)

arashi:jun, media:1999, media:video, translation:fanreport, ja, news, translation:2008, ikuta toma

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