May 16, 2005 09:46
four more days until the wedding. vincent worked third shift last night so i'm sitting here waiting for him to come home and go to bed so that i can go out and do wedding errands. i've got to get the rest of the centerpiece flowers today and i'm going to go get my hair cut. ack. hair cutting. that kind of scares me, but i think it'll be okay. and if it sucks, well, i'll still have three days to figure out what to do. i'm also feeling incredibly shitty. i've had this sinus/lungy thing for the last two weeks that i just can't seem to kick. i'd better kick it soon, though, because i don't want to be snotting during my ceremony.
speaking of ceremony....sent out the basic outline for the ceremony last night to all the people who will be there. i'm pretty damn excited about it. tucker e-mailed me back and asked if the decemberists "red right ankle" was okay. so i downloaded it from napster. (i always knew that my IT tuition fee and free napster account would come in handy some day...) and now i love it. i think v will like it too, so as long as he does, tucker will be playing it at the wedding.
i'm starting to get giddy. i'm really excited about seeing everyone and i'm more excited about getting married. i'll only be molly e. kane for another four days. then i'll be molly e. strijkan. well, kane-strijkan until i graduate, but i'm going to be different. vincent was the first person i ever even entertained marriage thoughts about, and back then i was thirteen. then for a long time i never thought we'd even talk to each other again. now we're getting married after long distances, two universities, three cities, and three years living together. sometimes happy endings happen to people who aren't storybook princesses or video game heros. life is pretty damn excellent right now.
the only thing i have left to do is write my personal vows/pick a reading. that's turing out to be the hardest part. i think i'll go to the library and research today after errands and hair cutting.