In order to break the cycle of negativity, here are some notes i wrote for you. To slowly overcome those negativity that comes from your ever-so-lowly self-esteem, listed here are your mini goals and resolutions that you thought of back then.
1. Dress up
unn, this still applies even when you're just going to wear your uniform. Think of everyday as if there's something big, dress up for that something big and always flash your cheshire neko smile. ( somewhere here on the internet i read that apparently, dressing up boosts your confidence. and yes, yes you have confidence! negative twenty confidence fufu kidding~)
2. soignè
(adj.) possessing an aura of sophistication in manner, dress, or design.
life is easy when you're beautiful, feeling beautiful, or even thinking beautifully of yourself, *sigh*no hate. In whatever you're going to do, may it be public speaking, your greatest fear, reporting, confessing, or simple recitation, be refined. If you're not sure that you are aesthetically pleasing to their eyes, who cares, set your mindset to that of a beautiful mortal to have graced this earth. Feel beautiful and think beautiful of yourself.Easier said than done but don't be conscious of how you look in front of them. you ARE beautiful, remember?
segway: im getting distracted by my classmates here that are talking about detective conan...
3. あいうえお
Speak even if your voice shakes. hmm but it would be better if your voice doesn't shake, and for that,remember that scene in GTOs2 2014 where the short haired class rep. is doing some vocal practice? she was voicing out (she was not shouting) the japanese hiragana because she was chosen to play the role of cinderella. Project your voice!
4. the one the two the three
Think of 'the one' (yes him), but since napakalandi mo, since your such a flirt, there are too many guys that makes your heart go doki doki and thump thump badump badump. make them fall for you then break their heart. choshaha! think of those idols you're head over heels for, those 2D characters, and him. Imagine you're in the same with them, with Inoo Kei asdfg. you would try your best not to stutter right? gambattewith that. And although there's nothing we can do for now on how your blood rushes to your face and how you feel hot,literally hot, when speaking in front of people, just think of yourself as a shoujo manga heroine who confessed her love or got tripped and is now flushing red. teehee?
5. inspiration
Think of those people you admire. those people who you wish you'd be like them when you grow up. remember that science teacher you had when you were in your first year of middle school? yeah cool. so fine and elegant. do your best to achieve that finesse, okay? pick up the shattered shards of your dignity, and show them appropriately how much of a fine lady you are. for the moment
6. fangirls don't keep calm but
Fangirls do not 'keep calm', but for a moment, you should keep calm to execute things properly. properly. Keep your cool. Stay cool. Be cool.
7. long hair dun care
everyone is going to die anyway, so don't pay too much attention to how much attention they are giving you. When in time of desperation, just think of this orz
Unless you do something really unussual, like puking in the middle of that, people won't talk about you. Stuttering is fine but avoid it if you can. don't be shy. they won't remember this. they are going to die one day and the thought of you won't even cross their minds.
8. pray, wish, ommm
and *drum roll* do not forget to pray to all the kamis(gods) for you to do good! Also, read this because this is my good luck tips for you, hihi~ Concentrate. Good Luck!
But if you're still a coward even after these hopefully helpful tips, then there's nothing else to resort to but to turn that cowardness into braveness.
p.s i wish you all the best.
p.p.s do good then reward yourself
p.p.p.s JUST DO YOUR BEST. you dont want to disappoint yourself, nee?
with love, from me to you