Title:: Just Say It In The Middle Of The Impossible - Aiba's Interview
Pairing:: Aiba Masaki/Sakurai Sho
Length:: Extra
Word Count:: 911 words
Rating:: PG
NOTE:: Here's the extra about Aiba's interview for their photoshoot!
Aiba Masaki's Interview
Q1. Regarding the new photos which were published about your winter holidays, how do you feel?
A:: It was shocking when we found out, after all you go to be with your partner in Christmas and there's someone who's violating our privacy. But after, it was like a liberation. Being free to go for a walk or a meal with him without having to hide. Or being able to go visit him at his job. I prefer to focus on the good part by far.
Q2. You even accepted to do a photoshoot with him, right? How it was?
A:: I never thought it was going to happen. I'd wished it since I started to be a model, but I'd never been brave to ask him until that day my manager contacted me. Indeed, it became my favourite photoshoot ever (laughs).
Q3. The photos which appear have a cool and a cute side, which one do you prefer and why?
A:: Both were really nice to do, but I think I prefer the cute one. After all, Sho was more relaxed, it was like being in home, like we are normally in our house. I really had a lot of fun.
Q4. You've said your house. Are you living together?
A:: Yes, since a year. I moved to his house because it was easier for both.
Q5. And you have the winter house too, why did you choose that house?
A:: As every other couple, we had problems too in the past. We even broke up once. But we got to solve it, and that house represents the second chance we took for each other. So we had to buy it, no one else can live there (laughs).
Q6. Your relationship seems so mature, can it be related that he's almost 15 years older than you? How does that feel?
A:: Why would I lie? It feels incredible. Because I could grow up so well thanks to him, he always keeps my feet on the floor. He always gives me his wisdom and maturity while I give him that young mood he usually forgets due to his job. We really complement each other.
Q7. But how did you meet to end up falling in love with him?
A:: He is the rector where I studied so I never looked beyond that. But one day I found out he was my friend's uncle so I met him first hand in their house… He was so ordinary, so funny and don't know… I fell in love with his smile.
Q8. So your relationship is a long-term one, but like even to marry him and adopt kids? After all, he's old enough to search for that.
A:: I remember once long time ago, when we talked about this and I said yes to all… And the best is that I'm still wanting to marry him as the first day or even more. I'd say yes without thinking. And regarding kids… I think we both want, but the lack of time due to our jobs is so tight.
Q9. How many I love you’s do you tell each other per day?
A:: Eh… We don't usually say it. Like maybe one before sleeping or if we forget, in the morning or when we go to work. But I'm sure one per day at least.
Q10. It seems your communication is good, but do you argue? Do you have misunderstandings?
A:: We decided to talk about anything we need to. But of course, living with Sho is harder than it looks (laughs). I usually get tired after working and he comes home complaining, so we can argue even for the smallest thing (laughs). But we may end up laughing or forgetting it at the next second. We're a mess in that sense (laughs).
Q11. What do you love and hate from Sakurai?
A:: That's hard to decide! I love so many things… how he sleeps, how he smiles, how he gets angry like a kid, how he gets excited like a kid (laughs). But if I have to choose one, it would be how he takes care of me. I may be ill and he is my nurse 24/7. I may need help and he rushes to be by my side. And what I hate… It's not like I hate it, but I'd like him to change it. His lack of self-esteem. He's so insecure, thinking he's not going to get it and I always stay there to push him, because I trust him more than he does.
Q12. What would you like to change in your relationship?
A:: Nothing (laughs).
Q13. What is your perfect date with Sakurai?
A:: When we buy popcorn and watch a movie in the sofa. We comment the whole movie together.
Q14. Who's passive and who's active?
A:: I can't answer that, I don't want him to kill me (laughs).
Q15. For last, is there something you have never told him on time that you'd like to tell him through this interview?
A:: There are… (laughs). There are two. First one, thank you so much for the words you told me that day in your office. I'm a model thanks to you. And second, I'm so sorry for my behaviour those months, now I see how you’re not at blame, not completely. I didn't rise to the situation, I just accepted it. I'm so sorry for that.