Title: 90 Minutes
Pairing: Ohno Satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari
Genre: angst, drama, smut, romance
Length: chaptered
Word Count: 3,671 words
Rating: NC-17
WARNING: dubious consent, BDSM hints
Summary: due to his father's debts, Ninomiya Kazunari accepted a job as servant of a peculiar sir. Suddenly, he found himself reduced to be a whore in order to get
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Comments 13
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So different indeed, but glad if it's interesting~
Thanks for reading!
Hope you enjoy it!
Thank you for reading!
Waaaaaa otro ohmiyaaaaa me encantan, cuando no los haces sufrir tanto jajajaja, uuyy este fic al parecer sera sexy <3 gracias por compartir y esperare con ansia elnsiguiente capitulo, la historia es interesante y me encanta el misterio que envuelve al sexoso satoahi waaa me encanta, ohmiya kisses <3
Uy, es que es el primer capítulo, espera un poco que se va a poner interesante xD (creo vamos xD)
Satoshi siempre es sexy, lo lleva en las venas desde siempre~
Gracias por leer este fic~~
And luckily for Nino there are a lot of hints to him liking Satoshi, without that I think the story would be too harsh.
Harcore. The perfect word to describe this fic xD Somehow I'm trying not to make it too... Harsh maybe.
There's something strange between these two, but not sure what it is...
Thank you for reading!
Glad to hear that~~
Thanks for reading~
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