May 19, 2009 15:09

 Wow, just plain flat out wow. I can't believe that I am almost 19. Where the hell does the time go? Why does she pass so swiftly and silently, but a whisper next to your ear? Why does one hardly perceive the passing of time as a big deal anymore? Is it because we are living such busy lives we hardly get to enjoy it? Or is it because there are so many things that are dated that we celebrate that we forget to even relish being alive sometimes?

Whatever the case may be, I am almost 19. June 1st.....only two weeks away. And I look at what all I've done and I can say that I've made some major leaps. I graduated high school with honors, moved out of my aunt and uncle's place a week before I was supposed to go to college to live with a kind-hearted feline whom I respect dearly, I came to college afraid and nervous and am now living life with a little more confidence and car died some months ago and it is STILL sitting at the local Pep Boys til I get a chance to go over and talk to the mechanic that worked on it to see if they sold it or not, I need to turn in the plate to a notary and hopefully get a refund or something, I have to pay the school money for running up my student account over the limit, and I am looking for a second job. Yep, I am really living the American dream alright and riding the high waves of these dangerous and insecure times in our society.

Alas, I do take the time to enjoy things, namely my friends and those I have bonded with since I have been in Robinson. All the furs that attend my furmeets, the few groups of people I hang out with here, even one of my managers. I love my friends dearly. They mean the most to me because I know they will support me in the best and worst of times. Even if that friend is miles away, he/she can still make a difference. One phone call can make you happy for an entire week.

Now I can end this seriousness with one thing. Last night I was as the prankster Loki with four other friends of mine. First we duct taped someone's door, a real tard that just pisses everyone off. Then, at about 4 AM, we totally covered the same door with 400 bright, fleurescent sticky notes x3 I say it was a night of mischief and lols where to be had. Ah, college's what ya do when you're bored here.

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