Jun 21, 2009 15:27
last thursday i think went to ryan b's birthday extravaganza at tom's. got to hear most of a carl coffee ghost story which was mostly nonsense and definately fiction. good times tho. ended up at zorba's with ryan b britt and ryan a. our waitress HATED us...especially ryan a who for the record laughs like a hyena.
friday went to kmarts with briTTon and greg to watch the wings lose the stanley cup. sucksville. got absolutely shit wasted and don't remember much of anything. from what i've been told i went in the flat rock taco bell bathroom with no shoes on then smoked 4 cigarettes on the way back to kmarts. played steamroller in her neighbors yard by myself. passed out in a chalupa. passed out on g and drooled on him. then passed out on the sidewalk with a blanket a pillow and a lighter. woke up at 6:30 still drunk and threw up then slept on the bathroom floor. i have NO idea what happened with britt but when i woke up ryan b was there. kmart spent the entire night crying and throwing up. and drunk dialing. reba came too? with tom. but i don't think i had my eyes open the whole time she was there because i didn't see her.
the rest of the week i was sooobeeer. read lord of the flies again. i forgot how awful the end is...but still a good book. i started reading grapes of wrath yesterday. not really the into it yet but we'll see what happens.
also talked to zack. after 4 years of me saying he has anger issues and him ignoring me kris calls him drunk friday and very calmly explains to him that he's an asshole and THAT he hears. it was good though, and i think we're gunna be able to be freinds. maybe.
friday made jello shots at kmarts and hung out with britt reba greg tom and robbie. shittyshitfaced. well me and reba were anyway. lost my ipod at some point. sad panda.
yesterday saw jilllllllllllz. heard all about her drunken mess of a vacation. met thomas.
today's father's day. much love to pj thanks for creating me :)
oh yea and i got the new dave matthew's band cd. well, actually i bought it for kmart and then put it on my ipod which is gone now. so i had it. it's amazinggg
ok seeya