Title: When Righteous Turns Foul
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Main!KyuSung, Main!RyeoMin, Main!EunHae, Friendship!KyuSungRyeoMinEunHae, BestFriends!KyuMin, BestFriends!YeWook
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Fantasy!AU
Summary: Infiltrating an antagonistic city is one thing. But living there for 5 years, forming friendships and even finding love, and eventually
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The first time I read over the first sentance I added and extra "the" in there. And was feeling like "no, don't go towards the light. No dying at the beginning of a chapter...or ever. Oh wait. just light..not the light. we're good." haha. that really did go through my head. I couldn't help but laugh at everyone's reactions to being free of the forest. It's good nothing else happened to them...though I will admit I was expecting a couple more tests...but it's cool. THey're exhausted enough already.
Haha Wookie mildly over-reacting to Jongwoon saying it wasn't as deep as he thought. ^^
Poor Wookie...and geez Hyukie just has to ruin Sungmin's helping words. Seriously, you're trying to get him to relax and cross the bridge. Don't say things that are going to make the already panicing person, panic more. I mean that is common sense. I'm surprised none of the others smacked him upside the head for that one. haha.
I was thinking the Kyuhyun was going to say he's afraid of cliffs or bridges or something and then I remembered the drowning thing and that there is a river down below. ^^"
Just one by one? They couldn't do it in pairs? Wookie might have been calmer with Sungmin walking across with him.
Oh Kyunie just tell him that you're afraid of falling to the river to drown and that you're too scared to cross by himself and he needs someone to hold his hand. ^^ Serious after that moment when you exited the forest. I mean Jongwoon apologized....well for one thing, not everything yet....and then just stared....and we all know with Kyusung that means more then just about anything else in the world. ^^
Jongwoon disappears and everyone just freezes. No panic. Just frozen. THough I will say that I called the bridge collapsing before it happened. Not in the exact way it happened, but I called it in my head when they first started talking about the bridge.
So it fell out from under him and he managed to grab the side of the cliff. Right? Or was he hanging from the remaining part of the bridge? I got confused on that. I got Kyuhyun's falling...and by the way...ouchy on the fingers....But I didn't get if Jongwoon just managed to catch himself there and Kyuhyun landed right above him or if he was on the rope or something so actually fell behind Kyu and landed a tiny bit lower.
Gods though, How does Kyuhyun's dad know exactly where they are? Kyu didn't tell him. And then why would he attack again with Kyuhyun on the bridge? If he knew that Jongwoon was on the bridge, how wouldn't he know that Kyu was on the bridge then? Gods, I just wanna take out Kyu's dad....then aside from Jongwoon's dad being cursed, all problems solved...you know since Kyuhyun's dad seems to be semi in charge.
Even with such effed up fingers Kyu managed to hold on and help Jongwoon get up. And then pass out but Jongwoon caught him and pulled him up. Yay. And even falling on Jongwoon. Screw being awkward that's fangirl heaven. haha. ^^ and of course follow up with a little more staring and then. KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DANCING LIKE A CRAZY FANGIRL* WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND JONGWOON INITIATED IT. NOT KYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can flip because I have had time to process it. I was just blinking at the screen when I first read it. Probably like the other four were doing when it happened.) Gods what is going to be the situation between them now? And I'll be even more shocked if Kyuhyun doesn't faint again after the kiss. haha^^
Okay you were right I love this chapter, haha. :) THough I did tell you I never doubt you unnie.
Have I spazzed enough? I could probably spazz more but I'll save it. haha.
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