Due to my failures at SMUT! I decided to lock my journal or any posts smut related.
You MUST follow all guidelines written below, if not, your request will be ignore and trash!
Rules for Adding:
1) You MUST comment on one of my entries at least ONCE before and after the request!
2) You MUST have one entry in your journal
3) No bashing, no plagiarizing, and no spamming.
4) You MUST introduce yourself as listed below:
Name: Noelle but call me Ellie or Pixie.
Birthday: June 19th, 1995
One interesting fact about yourself: I am an SM trainee.
One thing you want people to know about you: I love hate Shim Changmin due to many reasons ^^
Describe this journal: It's retardedly dark for no reason whatsoever. I was feeling down and I'm too lazy to change it now.
On a scale of 1-10, rank my writings: 7
Anything else you wish to add?: I'm lazy and busy and I don't update a lot. Also, I don't check my journal frequently so some reqests and comments will receive late replies. But no worries, I will, if not sooner then later :)
Please follow these rules if you wish to be added.
*No comment=No adding*
Thank you :D
pixie_world Join now to hear me rant about my Yunjae updates and SME artists ^^