2012 Master List & Author Reveals

Dec 09, 2012 16:35

2012 Master List

✧ please leave comments, and you must thank your writer!
✧ you can comment on DW and/or LJ.
✧ authors are revealed, please reply to comments freely :).

Remember: NO HATE, NO DRAMA.
Follow Thumper's good example.

Without further ado:

static_abyss wrote Crack me open, hold me close (Siwon/Sungmin, R) for emo_what97 [ LJ mirror]

mysapphiresky wrote Blood Ties (Kyuhyun/Sungmin, PG-13) for everyone [ LJ mirror]

kat_elric wrote Princes and Dolls (Kyuhyun/Sungmin, PG-13) for mysapphiresky [ LJ mirror]

goldintheshadow wrote Chance Meetings (Donghae/Ryeowook, PG-13) for mywookness [ LJ mirror]

amalious wrote The Pursuit of Normalcy (Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi, PG-13) for ava_lava [ LJ mirror]

domofo wrote Build Up (Donghae/Kyuhyun, NC-17) for goldintheshadow [ LJ mirror]

ava_lava wrote find me when i’m lost, miss me when i’m gone (Kangin/Leeteuk, Han Geng/Heechul, PG-13) for scampers3212 [ LJ mirror]

phoenix_soar wrote Speechless (Kyuhyun/Yesung, PG-13) for angelye [ LJ mirror]

ava_lava wrote before the fires go cold (Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi, PG-13) for everyone [ LJ mirror]

emo_what97 wrote sugar, we're going down swinging (Eunhyuk/Heechul, PG-13) for phoenix_soar [ LJ mirror]

scampers3212 wrote Us (Kangin/Leeteuk, PG) for everyone [ LJ mirror]

angelye wrote Bittersweet (Kyuhyun/Ryeowook/Yesung, G) for sparksfly7 [ LJ mirror]

mysapphiresky wrote You Are Hiding A Secret (Kyuhyun/Sungmin, PG-13) for bomchii_97 [ LJ mirror]

silkekim wrote Modern Love (Ryeowook/Sungmin, R) for kat_elric [ LJ mirror]

pointlessnuances wrote Inferior (Donghae/Eunhyuk, Donghae/Jessica, R) for cheese_on_sauce [ LJ mirror]

sparksfly7 wrote A Million Tears Into the Sea (Donghae/Kyuhyun, PG-13) for silkekim [ LJ mirror]

mywookness wrote Original Soundtracks (To Our Love Story) (Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Ryeowook/Yesung, PG-13) for everyone [ LJ mirror]

mywookness wrote Morning Dew (Han Geng/Siwon, R) for lopkite [ LJ mirror]

carmine_pink wrote Think We Kissed But I Forgot (Kyuhyun/Yesung, PG-13) for domofo [ LJ mirror]

pinkymingo wrote Only Human (Eunhyuk/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Sungmin, PG) for amalious [ LJ mirror]

bomchii_97 wrote When a Rich Boy Falls in Love (Sungmin/Zhou Mi, NC17) for pinkymingo [ LJ mirror]

cheese_on_sauce wrote In Which Kyuhyun Hates Coffee But Yesung Doesn't (Kyuhyun/Yesung, PG-13) for carmine_pink [ LJ mirror]

goldintheshadow wrote Specialty Coffee (Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi, Han Geng/Heechul, Siwon/Sungmin) for
static_abyss [ LJ mirror]

Thank you to everyone who helped make this a success, especially our fantastic pinch-hitters goldintheshadow, ava_lava, mysapphiresky, and mywookness.

May you all have a healthy and happy holiday season and new year! :)

This entry was originally posted at http://sujuexchange.dreamwidth.org/20996.html.

*2012, !master list

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