ready...set...go! Assignments have been sent! Some things to remember as you begin writing:
- reasons you are allowed to request a reassignment:
If you were assigned pairing(s)/character(s), scenarios, or situations that your sign-up explicitly said you could not write.
If a prompt is "G through NC-17" and you said you don't write porn, then write a less than NC-17 rated story. If your prompt says, "Eunhae, Hanchul, Kyumin" and you only indicated that you would write Kyumin, then only write the Kyumin pairing.
If your prompt is "only NC-17" rating or "Eunhae" and you had indicated you don't write porn and only write Kyumin, then you are allowed to ask for a reassignment. - reasons you are not allowed to request a reassignment:
1) If you received a prompt that contains something you don't want to write, but had not indicated when filling out your sign-up form. Honestly, this is not our problem. If you were assigned mpreg and you can't write that, but your sign-up says "I'll write anything," don't get mad that we took you at your word.
2) If you don't like your prompt. Not an excuse. There is little chance that we will reassign you. - you do not have to use every prompt. You have to use at least one, and you can use several if you wish, but if you can't use a prompt, ignore it.
With that said, if you absolutely need a reassignment, please
tell us asap.
► last day to drop is december 20. Let us know sooner rather than later. Dropping after this date (or not finishing at all) will result in a ban from future exchanges :(
► a friendly reminder that your fic must be in english, 1,000 words minimum, and no WIPs.
► get a beta-reader. This is not optional. You can find one at
willbetaforfood if you need to.
► your fic is due DECEMBER 31, 5:00AM UTC. Please use
this converter to see what that is in your time zone. Depending on where you live, your fic may be due during december 30. Note: You can submit your fic early! Earlier is better. Just don't submit it late.
► e-mail it to SUJUEXCHANGE@GMAIL.COM with your username as the subject. Send the fic as an attached ".txt" file and use LJ HTML formatting.
- if you don't know how to create a .txt: copy-and-paste your fic into Notepad and save it. It will automatically save as a .txt file.
- if you don't know HTML:bold. = bold.
italic. = italic.
underline. = underline.
► Please use this header at the top of your fic.
note how there's no author section. The exchange is anonymous until january 7, when the authors will be revealed. Don't spoil the surprise!
Title: Recipient: Characters/Pairings: Rating: Genre(s): Warnings: Author's Note: ► to ensure readability, we reserve the right to adjust formatting and fix typos as needed. (Get a beta-reader.)
► after you've received your assignment, leave a comment on this post acknowledging that you've read this and have received your assignment. Please include the word "sapphire." That will confirm your participation in the exchange. Please comment before december 7.
happy writing, and happy holidays! ♥