He Forgets About Me

Sep 20, 2010 17:13

Title: He Forgets About Me (short drabble)
Pairing: Jaemin
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Jaejoong forgets about Changmin.

Changmin's POV

It have been 3 month he didn't call me anymore. I missed him. A lot. I wished time can just turned around and DBSK never been disbanded and my Jaejoong didn't have to leave me and Yunho. Before he left he said that he will always call me and said that he will always loves me no matter how far we are. But, now I started to get worried. Yunho said that he has just been busy with all J.Y.J's schedules. But I just can't staring at the phone all day. Because that just makes me an idiot. Oh wait, I am. Because that exactly what I'm doing right now. Haah...Wait. If he didn't call me, I can call him right? Yes I can. So I dialed his number, and he never picked up. Damn.

One month passed and he still didn't call me and that made me worried even more. So I decided to come visit him. I didn't have anything to do, anyway. So I went to Japan and when I arrived I knew that he, Yoochun, and Junsu had a concert today at Tokyo Dome. So I went there and the concert already ended. When the guard saw me he let me to the backstage immediately.

When I arrived in front of the door with J.Y.J dressing room on it. I took a deep breath and opened it slowly. The thing that I saw right now shocked me. Jaejoong was making out with some girl. I closed the door immediately didn't want anyone to see me. Now official I hate him. Seems the tears that went down to my cheek told me different thing. I love him so that's why I cried.

A/N: Don't kill me. *runs*


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