Forgive Me? (Sequel to 'He Forgets About Me')

Oct 11, 2010 20:08

Title: Forgive Me? (Sequel to 'He Forgets About Me.')
Pairing: Jaemin
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Changmin can't believe what Jaejoong did to him.
A/N: A sequel as promise...Sorry for taking so long...:)

Changmin walked trough Japan with tears all over his face. He didn't know where to go, and what to do anymore. Jaejoong, the one he loves and trusted cheated on him. It was too much, even for Changmin. He still can't believe it. Changmin ignored his cellphone that ringing on his pocket. He just kept walking and walking. He didn't know who he can trust anymore. The first time he felt love  he got hurt.

"I love you Changmin." Lies.

"It's only you that in my heart."Lies.

"You always been my forever love."Another lie.

Changmin took his phone from his pocket and dialed the number that he remembered by heart and he hated that. After second ring he answered.

"Hello?"Changmin caught on his breath and tried to breathe.

"Changmin-ah? What's wrong?"Changmin's hand was shaking. He opened his mouth and then closed it again.

"Changmin-ah? You okay? What happened? I miss you so much baby."Changmin frowned.

"Stop calling me baby, Kim Jaejoong."Changmin's voice turned cold immediately.

"W-what? Changmin? Why? Are you mad of me? Because of what? What did I do?"Jaejoong asked confusedly, hurt.

"Stop playing dumb Jaejoong, you're cheating on me. So we're done, I don't even love you from beginning anyway. You confessed to me and I only accepted."Jaejoong's heart broke into million pieces that time.

"C-Changmin y-you didn't me-mean it right?"Jaejoong's voice trembled. Changmin closed his eyes and opened it again.

"I mean it Jaejoong, I hate you."

"C-Changmin! Please listen to me! I-I'm sorry! It was a mistake! C--"Changmin hanged up the phone. Jaejoong kept calling Changmin so Changmin turned off his cellphone. He went to nearby hotel and rested for a while.

In the morning Changmin woke up and yawned. He got the remote and turned on the TV. Changmin winced when he saw JYJ on TV at reality show. Changmin's eyes focused on Jaejoong. Jaejoong's eyes were swollen and he looks like a dead person. Changmin stared worriedly at Jaejoong and  then he shook his head. 'No! Shim Changmin! It's just an act! He cheated on you!'' Changmin focused on TV again and saw the MC asked Jaejoong question.

'Jejung-san, why are you so depressed? Anything happened?"Jaejoong ignored him and kept stared blankly. The MC turned to Junsu and Yoochun asking for explanation.

"Jejung-hyung is tired and just miss Yunho-hyung and Changmin."When Jaejoong heard Changmin's name tears started to come out. Junsu and Yoochun widened his eyes.

"Hyung? You're okay? I'm sorry...hyung..."Junsu wiped his tears. All the audience screamed when he saw their Idol cried. Jaejoong stood up immidiately and went backstage and the TV turned into commercial. Changmin stared at the TV in disbelief. 'He cried because of me? He feel guilty for cheating on me?'

-With Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu-

"Hyung!"Junsu and Yoochun chased Jaejoong and saw Jaejoong curled up in a ball at the corner. Junsu and Yoochun approached him and leaned down. Yoochun patted his shoulder.

"Hyung? You okay? Tell us what happened. Something wrong with you and Changmin right?"Yoochun asked worriedly. Jaejoong looked up and his face was a mess.

"I made a biggest mistake Chun, Su."Jaejoong sobbed.

"And what is that hyung?"Junsu asked.

"I cheated on Changmin."

"WHAT?!!!"Yoochun and Junsu shouted in unison, shock written on their face.

"I'm such a jerk."Jaejoong buried his face on his knees again. Yoochun and Junsu looked at each other and turned into a man in front of them.

"Why hyung? You love him don't you?"Yoochun asked.

"I do Yoochun! I love him so much! I love him too much so I can't stand when I'm away from him even for a minute. And- when some girl said she can replace Changmin and she kissed me, I kissed her back to release my depress. And I think-Changmin saw it."Jaejoong cried harder.

"Aw~ hyung. I'm sure Minnie-ah will understand if you explain it to him."Junsu said.

"No! Su! He said he hates me! And he never loves me!"

"I'm sure it's just a lie Jaejoong-hyung, I saw the way he looks at you. It fulls with love, no doubt about it."Yoochun said in confident.

"You really think so?"Jaejoong asked with a innocent face of his.

"Aigo~ You're so cute hyung. Of course I'm sure, and I'm sure he still in Japan right now. We can visit him."

"But how do we know where he stay?"

"We're JYJ hyung."Yoochun smirked.


Changmin was eating ramen on his room when someone knocked at the door. 'Room service?'Changmin thought and opened the door. He widened his eyes when he saw Yoochun, Junsu, and Jaejoong. Changmin wanted to slam the door but Yoochun held it. Changmin sighed and went inside followed by the three of them. Changmin sat down on the bed and the three of them sat down on the sofa.

"Changmin-ah, Jaejoong-hyung want to explain something to you."


"No need to explain, you cheated on me. End of story."Changmin cut him.

"Minnie-ah, listen to him first will you?"Junsu said irritated. Changmin scoffed.

"Fine."Jaejoong took a deep breath.

"Changmin-ah, I'm sorry for cheating on you. I'm really am, I just missed you too much and--"

"You cheated on my with another girl?"Changmin replied sarcastically.

"Changmin I love you...please I'm begging you, forgive me. Changmin."Jaejoong sat down beside Changmin and held his hands.

"Hyung if you love me, you won't cheat on me."

"It was a mistake, please Changmin..."Jaejoong's tears started to come out. "Changmin, I will die if you didn't forgive me."

"Just die."Jaejoong stopped and stood up. He opened the balcony door. Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu followed him with their eyes worriedly. They saw Jaejoong looked down and ready to jump. Changmin widened his eyes and ran to him. He hugged him from behind.

"Idiot! What are you doing?!"Changmin shouted.

"You want me to die Changmin."Jaejoong whispered. Changmin shook his head.

"No hyung, I don't. I love you, I forgive you. Please, don't."Changmin sobbed. Jaejoong turned around and smiled at Changmin.

"I love you too Changmin."

"Aw...hyung."Changmin kissed Jaejoong depressingly. Jaejoong kissed him back with same passion. Yoochun and Junsu cleared their throat. Changmin just pointed his finger to the door direction and continued to making out with Jaejoong.

A/N: What do you think? Comments will make me so happy! :) And, by the way. Anyone wants to be a beta reader for me? Pretty please? *puppy dog face*

fan fic, jaemin, jaejoong, dbsk, one shot, changmin

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