The New Life (1/?)

Sep 26, 2010 11:05

Title: The New Life(1/?)
Pairing: Jaemin
Genre: Romance, angst,drama,smut
Warning: !possessive Minnie, !cry baby Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17 in the later chapter.
Summary: Changmin met Jaejoong's friends.

Changmin was carrying his food tray when someone called him. "Changmin-ah!"Changmin turned around and spotted Jaejoong waving his hand while smiling brightly. Changmin approached him and stopped when he already near, he realized Jaejoong was not alone.

"Hey hyung."Changmin smiled and stared at three others man with raised eyebrow. One of the man stared at him weirdly, the other one smiling brightly at him and the other one acting like he doesn't care at all.

"Changmin-ah! This is my best friends that I talked about last night! This is Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun!"

"I'm Changmin."Changmin smiled and sat down on the empty seat beside Jaejoong.

"So Changmin-ah, do you make any friend?"Jaejoong turned to Changmin.

"No."Changmin looked down.

"Omo~ Don't worry! We gonna be your friend! Right guys?"Jaejoong turned to Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun. Junsu nodded, Yoochun still holding his cell phone and Yunho just stared at Changmin.

"I just want to be your friend hyung."Changmin pouted.

"Eh?? Why?? I know they're like that, but they actually nice."

"Yah! Kim Jaejoong! Why do you mean by that?"Yunho hit his head lightly.

"Ow! That's hurt! And you suppose to call me hyung! Like Changmin!"Jaejoong was rubbing his head while Changmin glared at Yunho.

"Hey Changmin-ah!"Changmin turned to the smiley guy. "I'm Junsu, nice to meet you."Changmin just smiled.

"Why should I call you hyung when you don't act like one?"Jaejoong pouted.

"You're so mean...."Jaejoong stood up and went away while looking down. Changmin turned to Yunho.

"Yah! Why are you so mean?!"Changmin glared at Yunho for the last time and followed Jaejoong.


"Hyung! Wait!"Changmin tapped his shoulder. Jaejoong stopped and turned to Changmin. Changmin widened his eyes when he saw Jaejoong cried while biting his lips. 'Aigo~why he has to be so cute??''Changmin thought.

"Hyung, don't cry! I'm here!"Changmin hugged Jaejoong. Jaejoong sobbed at his chest.

"But Minnie~ hyung is sad, no one ever called me hyung."Changmin rubbed his back gently.

"I called you hyung!"Changmin held his shoulders. "So, don't cry okay?"

"Thank you Minnie."Jaejoong wiped his tears.

"You're welcome hyung."Changmin rubbed his head lovingly.


"Yes hyung?"

"Why are you so nice to me?"Jaejoong asked curiously. "We just met last night."

"Because you're a nice hyung and gorgeous man I've ever seen."Changmin smirked.

"W-w-what? No I don't!"Jaejoong blushed.

"Okay, you're ugly."

"What??"Jaejoong's face was dissapointed.

"Omo~ You're so cute hyung! Your mood changes every minute!"Changmin laughed.

"Don't tease me Changmin-ah!"Jaejoong blushed harder.

"Hahahaha!"Changmin laughed even harder.

"Minnie!! Stop!! Everyone are looking!"Jaejoong looked around. Changmin ignored him and continue to laugh. Jaejoong pouted and walked away.

"Hyung! I'm just kidding!"Jaejoong walked faster. "Hyung!"Changmin chased him


Changmin was in the shower taking a shower while Jaejoong laying down on his bed listening to music. When Changmin was out he smiled when he saw closed his eyes. His face was like an angel. Changmin was wondered how Jaejoong's singing voice like. This was Music University after all.

"Hyung."Jaejoong opened his eyes an unplugged his iPod.

"Yes Minnie?"

"Can I hear you sing?"

"Why's so sudden?"Jaejoong sat down and smiled.

"Just want to hear it."

"Okay."Jaejoong took a deep breath and started to sing. Changmin closed his eyes while enjoying Jaejoong's voice. Jaejoong's voice was so pure and soft.

Your the only love forever

Changmin clapped his hands. Jaejoong smiled brightly at him

"Is it good?"

"Good? That's awesome hyung!"

"Thank you, now your turn."


"Your turn, sing."Jaejoong stared at Changmin curiously.

"No. My voice is not that good."

"Come on, I'm sure it's good."


"This is the song that I composed, maybe it sounds childish."Changmin took a deep breath and started to sing. Jaejoong stared at Changmin's high voice in amazement. His voice sounds like a child but it was really good.

Chinagabeorin eorin shijeolen pungseoneul tago nalaganeun yeppeun ggumdo ggueottji
Ppalgan pungseoni haneuleul nalmyeon nae ma-eumedo areumdaun gieokdeuli saenggagna

Jaejoong clasped his hands when he finished.

"Is it good??"Jaejoong gave him two thumbs up. Changmin smiled brightly.

"Hyung, I need something to tell you."Changmin sat down on his beside Jaejoong.


"I love you."Jaejoong widened his eyes.

A/N: Tell me what you think! :D

fan fic, jaemin, jaejoong, dbsk, chaptered, changmin

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