Dec 29, 2010 13:38
Title: House Of horrors
Rating: G
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Genre: Fluff/drama
Disclaimer: Yes i own them i only own the plot
Summary: In all the years Eunhyuk has known Donghae never once has he visited his house or met his family. Donghaes worst nightmare happens when Eunhyuk insists that he comes over.
Donghae looked over his shoulder at his best friend Eunhyuk.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Butterflies fluttered crazily in Donghaes stomach. He never even thought this day would come. Eunhyuk on the other hand couldn't be happier. He too never thought this day would come. They were standing at the entrance to Donghaes house. For the past seven years they had always gone to Eunhyuks house and in Donghaes mind that was always a good thing, but now for the first time ever they were hanging out at Donghaes. This frightened Donghae so much. What would Eunhyuk say when he met his weird and strange family?
"For the last time yes! Open the door Hae"
With shaky hand Donghae put the key in the lock flinching as if made a click sound indicating it was open. Donghae swallowed a lump in his throat before opening the door. Eunhyuk gasped as he pushed Donghae aside and entered the building. The hallway was filled with warm earth colours from the beige carpeted floor to the pale brown walls. The furniture was white standing out against the brown backgrounds.
Eunhyuk marveled at his surrounding it was better than he ever expected. Donghae took a silent step inside the house. It was too quiet, maybe no one was home. Donghae let a smile grace his lips at the thought. They both removed their shoes placing them in the rack provided before Donghae led Eunhyuk to his room. They had plenty time for a tour later Donghae reasoned.
They were sitting on Donghaes bed when his worst nightmare happened. The door to his room opened a cloud of red smoke emerged from its opening. Okay well that's not what really happened but that was what Donghae saw in his head. In walked in a too beautiful to be male even if he so totally was, Heechul. Eunhyuk gaped at this beautiful stranger which pleased Heechul because of the attention. Donghae could only stare at his hyung who was dressed in the brightest red pants and blinding white top. The thing that caught Eunhyuks eye the most once he was able to drag it off the strangers face was the huge bright pink hand mirror they held in their hand.
"Yah Donghae ! How many times have I told you to stay away from my hair products and hand cremes?!"
Heechul waved the mirror around like crazy annoyed with his Dongsaeng. Eunhyuk looked toward Donghae with a what-the-hell-do-you-need-hair-products-and-creme-for look.
"But hyung how else am I going to contact the aliens! I was soooo close too.”
"Yah i don't care about those aliens..."
"So who's he?"
Eunhyuk whispered behind his hand while Heechul was still throwing a fit. He was really curious as to how exactly Donghae knew this beautiful ranting man.
"That's my hyung Heechul."
"It's milky white skin Heechul to you..."
"Does he always carry that mirror around?"
Donghae couldn't help but smile. Most people would find it weird to see a man Heechuls age holding a bright pink mirror. Of course that would be after they noticed that he was in fact a he and not a she.
"It's practically glued to his hand"
They snickered like little children behind the hands that were covering their mouth.
"YAH are you listening!!"
Heechuls tone demanded attention. The mirror went flying out of his fingers as his flung his arms drastically around. They all watched in horror was the mirror spun and twirled in the air before crashing into the wall.
“Well what do you know, it is attached” Donghae muttered under his breath.
There was the sound of glass smashing which made everyone freeze. Donghae quickly grabbed Eunhyuks hand and ran out of the room while Heechul was still frozen.
"What was that for?"
Eunhyuk was completely clueless how Heechul could be once he gets angry. Donghae suddenly cursed that no one was in the house, he needed Hangeng. Why did he need Hangeng? because he was the only one who could silence the princesses temper tantrums. Or Siwon was good as well he could always pick Heechul up and lock him inside a room…No Siwon would never do that no matter how many times Donghae begged.
“Yah you come back here Donghae!!!”
Eunhyuk didn’t understand why they were running. It didn’t look like the beautiful boy named Heechul who hurt anyone. That was until things started to fly over his head. Eunhyuk turned his head around just in time to see a Heechul with a crazy possessed look in his eyes throwing a metal tin at them.
Donghae cursed as they reached a dead end. The front door opened to their side opened, white smoke floated through the door. Okay well maybe that only happened inside Eunhyuk and Donghaes head. Eunhyuk saw a tall handsome looking man holding bags of groceries in his hand, inside he could have sworn he spotted a huge bag of lollies. Donghae saw the lollies and for a moment forgot all about the crazy ‘princess’ that was after him.
“LOLLIES. Are they for me hyung are they?”
Hangeng opened the door only to be met with Donghae and a boy who looked somehow familiar with his long strand of copper red hair. A light went off in his head, so finally he was meeting Eunhyuk.
“LOLLIES. Are they for me hyung are they?”
Hangeng smiled down at his child like Dongsaeng. He nodded his head towards them both when something caught his eye. Since when did piggy banks gain the ability to fly?
Donghae and Eunhyuk jump remembering that Heechul was after them. Donghae thinking quickly pulled them both behind Hangeng so they could use him as a barrier.
“What did you do?”
They didn’t have time to answer Hangeng as a fuming Heechul stood hands on his hips and the dirtiest glare ever on his face. Hangeng sighed why was it always like this? He was always the one they used to calm the princess down.
“Heechul now calm…”
Hangeng looked confused at Heechul, something was missing but what. Bright coloured clothes check, Face, hands, legs check. So what was it. Hangengs eyes widened where was Heechuls pink mirror? Ah so that was why Donghae was hiding he must have hid the two bright a pink object.
“Heechul you hair”
Heechul seemed to forget his angry for a second hand retreating to fix up any damage that had been made to his hair.
“HANGENG you arse how dare you protect them, you’re supposed to be n my side. Arg why is everyone against me”
Heechul grabbed the thing closest to him and through it across the room. Siwon chose that time to walk in as usual a bible propped in his hand.
“Hyung why are you like this, who did this to you? You shouldn’t be so angry. God taught us to always forgive. Here the bible helps”
Siwon held his precious bible out to Heechul, the very same Heechul that told him every time he didn’t believe in any of it. It shocked Hangeng and Donghae completely when Heechul reached out and took it from Siwons hands. They always thought hell would freeze over and pig would fly before Heechul developed any interest in the bible and god.
“This will make me feel better?”
Heechul was looking down at the bible in his hand and Siwon nodded encouragingly. BAM. Heechul hit Siwon on the head with the bible. Hangeng quickly moved and wrapped one arm around Heechuls waist and used the other to restrain his hands. The bible fell to the floor opened. Hangeng led Heechul out of the room. When they were completely sure Heechul wouldn’t return Donghae and Eunhyuk ran up to Siwon.
“Are you okay Hyung?”
“Are you okay?”
Siwon looked down at the bile on the floor.
“Ah I’m okay, a bit disappointed that he really didn’t take god into his life"
“Is he going to be okay?”
Eunhyuk was slight worried. Donghae had to put up with this every single day of his life. He finally understood why Donghae preferred his house where it was nice and quiet and no Hyungs to distract him. Siwon got up taking the bible and retreated further into the house with him. The house went eerily quiet.
“Well you just met Hankyung and Siwon”
“They’re nice?”
Donghae chuckled partly because of what Eunhyuk said and partly to diminish the awkward silence that had settled around them.
“Umm food!”
Yes food would take Eunhyuks mind off his crazy family. Donghae grabbed Eunhyuks hand and made his way to the kitchen.
“STOP! Don’t take another step!”
What now! They both thought. Eunhyuk stood mid step wobbling, Donghae stood in a similar position behind Eunhyuk. How did he end up behind him Eunhyuk thought? Two boys finally came into Eunhyuk and Donghaes view. One immediately dived for the space between Eunhyuks shoe and the floor. Eunhyuk thought he was trying to attack his foot or something and leaned back. Unfortunately he lost his balance and fell backwards, Donghae tried to catch him but he lost his balance and fell to the floor Eunhyuk painfully on top of him.
Yesung the one who dived for the floor stood back up holding something in his hand. What was he holding in his hand Eunhyuk wondered and with all his curiosity he forgot that he was actually laying on Donghae.
“Oh are you okay? Ah you gave me such a scare”
Why did Eunhyuk have the feeling they weren’t talking to him or Donghae? They didn’t ask if they were okay they just walked off talking to their hand. Was it possible Donghae lived with a psycho? The smaller boy with a slightly feminine face turned his attention to them.
“Hyung are you okay? Are you okay as well…”
“Just call me Eunhyuk”
Ryeowook took Eunhyuks hand and helped pull him up. Donghae lay forgotten by both his best friend and his Dongsaeng. Ryeowook dragged Eunhyuk into the kitchen talking about just about anything. Donghae sighed he just knew it had been a bad idea to bring Eunhyuk home.
“Yah what are you doing on the floor!!”
A chill went down Donghaes spine as Heechul stood over him. He found it very suspicious that Heechul was being nice. That that Heechul wasn’t nice he just rarely calmed down his quick. Hangeng must have scarified something really big to make him that happy. Heechul was even skipping for goodness sake.
“Donghae what are you doing on the floor?”
“What did you give Heechul hyung?”
The all too cute Ryeowook as he introduced himself as led Eunhyuk down to a chair in the kitchen. There were three other people there. One hand his nose practically touching the psp in his hands as he mashed the buttons at a very fast speed. The second was reading a book not at all bothered by the noises the first guy was making as he tapped the buttons. The last guy was lecturing that first guy about playing the psp too much.
“Now that’s Kyuhyun”
Ryeowook pointed to the guy playing his psp.
“That’s Kibum”
He pointed towards the one reading.
“And that it Sungmin just leave him alone Hyung you know he won’t listen”
Sungmin pouted turing his eyes towards Ryeowook, his eye widened when he noticed Eunhyuk and in a flash he was by his side. Did he have super powers or something?
“AH you must be Eunhyuk! Aww your much cuter then Donghae let on!”
Eunhyuk blushed. He wasn’t sure if it was because this adorable guy in front of him called him cute or because Donghae had probably shared some embarrassing stories about him. Three people walked in the kitchen. Was it just him or did Donghae live with a lot of people. There were seven people in the room and it didn’t even seem crowded, if anything it felt like some bits were missing. Sungmin pinched Eunhyuks cheeks as he introduce him to the people who just walked in.
“Zhou Mi, Henry, Shindong this cute little monkey here is Eunhyuk”
Was he just called a monkey? Oh no Donghae told them! Eunhyuks cheeks turned a bright red as the others greeted him back. Donghae chose that moment to walk in the kitchen with Hangeng. HE saw Sungmin pinching a very bright red Eunhyuks cheeks and was confused. Did Sungmin do something to him?
“Hyung leave him alone he’s practically a tomato”
“Shut up Donghae!”
Eunhyuk was so embarrassed and Donghae wasn’t helping. The room seemed to get slightly more crowded as Heechul and Siwon walked in. How many people did Donghae live with anyway? There was the sound of the front door opening followed by footsteps. The slightly crowded Kitchen got even more crowed as the last two and final members of Donghaes household walked in.
A beautiful looking man whose smile created a dimple on his cheek and a strong looking man who looked very intimidating but when he smiled he revealed the soft hearted guy he really was.
“Ah you must be Eunhyuk, it’s a pleasure to meet you”
This too angelic to possibly be human man took Eunhyuk in his arms to give him a warm embrace. Dinner came and along with it the sound of chatter filled the room. Finally after a long and eventful time at Donghaes place it was time for sleep. Leeteuk the oldest relative insisted that Eunhyuk sleepover because they did have any school tomorrow.
Donghae made a place for Eunhyuk on his bed and they were lying down. Donghae was scared that Eunhyuk would think he was a freak because of his loud and very embarrassing family.
“I’m sorry about this Eunhyuk, my family can be a bit crazy”
“I’m sorry it won’t ever happen again”
Donghae sighed. That was it he had lost Eunhyuk as a friend.
“Donghae…You told about the mokey incident!”
Donghae let out a relieved sigh and pulled Eunhyuk into a bone crushing hug. Eunhyuk tried to fight it at first but gave in after a while. It was the sanest thing that had happened since they set foot into the house earlier. Eunhyuk snuggled into the hug ait more then was necessary but Donghae didn’t think anything of it.
“Donghae your family is completely crazy…At least now I know where you got it from. Let’s do it again sometime okay?”
A warm feeling seeped into Donghaes heart, he was so happy that Eunhyuk still wanted to stay with him and even come again after everything he had experienced today.
“Good night Fishy”
“Good night Monkey”
And with that they fell into a peaceful slumber. No matter what they would always be there for each other. After all the bond that have is one so strong, it’s almost as if they were destined to be together always and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
~`~`A/N : Sorry if the ending might seem a it rushed i just wanted to finish it quickly. Thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it (^.^)