[Considering LJ policies and it being a f*cking Russian platform, I don't post here anymore. I have posted almost all of my fanfics on AFF (and I'm planning to finish the ones I haven't). So if you're interested, look up
Habitate on AFF]
A Writing Journal.
Only the NC-17 (hard R) chapters will be friends-locked. If you really want to read them,
just add me (I usually add people back quickly but it all depends on how active I am on LJ). Please try to comment though so I don't have to look through a long list of names to add you.
The other works and maybe some chapters I don't consider too graphic will stay public so you're not missing much.
But do add me for shits and giggles.
I don't feel like sharing my crap with everyone, especially the older works, but I love
writing and hope someone will enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing it. I always try to edit my works to avoid mistakes but if there are some, you're welcome to point them out nicely.
From now on, my more mature works will be posted in