
Jul 04, 2007 15:57

Name/Nickname: Kit
Age: >> nonya business

Likes: music, graphics, writing, chatting, roleplaying, eyes, computers, water, winter
Dislikes:: homophobes, being hot, hypocrites, people who from an english speaking country who have no concept of the language at all
Hobbies: writing, reading, graphics, roleplaying, drawing
Strong points: none really x-x
Weak points: too emotional and really too many to count
Future goals?: be able to write for a living
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: x-x uhm...creative?
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: annoying

If there was one thing you would change about the world, what would it be? Why?: America. Because...yeah...it's...america. Either that or I'd change religion and make it an archaic myth.
If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what would it be?: Less insecure

Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favorite member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it’s explicit, bold a warning beforehand.):I'm not really a good fangirl as I'm a boy but....like...I don't even have a really favorite member. Han Kyung and Hyuk Jae are constnatly on top though right now I'm really on a Yeh Sung kick and I don't know why. He's just rather sexy and dark and he's perfect for psychotic and or angsty fanfics. :D
On the flip side, who’s your least favorite SuJu member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; your least favorite is probably someone’s favorite.): Ugh...Hee Chul...Cause...He's...Hee Chul...You love to hate him. He's a freaking bitch .-.
What’s your favorite SuJu pairing? (if you have one): adjfalk YehHyuk right now.
If you could be a SuJu member for a day, which member would you be? Why?: Sung Min...cause...he's...him.

Favorite color?: blue
Favorite movie? Why?: Audition because it's creepy and awesome. The Intimate because it's beautifully romantic even though the end pissed me off to no end (I probably won't touch another Korean movie for a long time).
Favorite saying/quote?: I have more than one... "Sometimes I wish I was republican. Then I wouldn't have to worry about anyone's feelings!" "Cheese and rice! That's hot!" and...probably the best... "Poetry is personal to me...like religion...or going to the bathroom."
If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?: .-. I hate questions like these.
If you were a dessert, what dessert would you be, and why?: x-x uhm...Ice cream? Cause then I'd be licked and sucked?

High, medium, or low energy?: variant
Impulsive or cautious?: somewhere in the middle...
Mature or Immature?: >< again in the middle
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic
Touchy feely or not?: TOUCHY LIKE OMG YEAH
Any pets? Tell us about them!: >> I have two dogs and a cat. Syndey is a Basset hound and Beanie is a jack russel. My cat is a long haired white one and she sheds like none other. Her name is Emma.
Leader or follower?: Follower
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?: .-. Uhm...Me do something crazy?

It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?: Home.
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?: Squeak and look around. @_@
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind of drama/what genre of drama would you want to do? Why?: ROMANCE! @_@ or horror cause they're the best.
You're onstage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What comes next?: Hide behind someone. x-x

Pictures of yourself: ( Completely optional. :D)

stamped: yesung

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