
May 27, 2009 00:21

Tiffany, Tiff, Tiffy, 翩翩

Super Junior, DBSK, KPop, JPop, pretty boys, MUSIC, being on my bed, reading, lurking, singing, fangirling, piano, my pretty blue iPod <3, happy things/people/places, clouds, cute fluffy and huggable thing, manga/anime, apple juice, watching dramas, cats, dogs, and recently, giraffes.

Antifans, alchohol, pollen(hay fever x_x), backstabbers, insensitive and inconsiderate people, too much heat, injuries, smoke, too much work, when my computer and/or msn is being mean..
being in front of my computer, reading, being idle, watching dramas/movies, listening to iPod

Strong points:
I can't really hate. I dislike things, sure but not hate. I forgive and forget really easily, possibly because of my bad memory, but I can never stay angry for long and I find hating a waste of energy. Especially after seeing all the things anti-fans do. It's kind of pointless.

Weak points:
Introvert, too quiet around strangers, unwilling to step up at times, someone who needs to be approached first, bad memory.. really bad memory..

Future goals?:
Joining SM.. jks. I don't have the skills xD I don't really have any future goals. I haven't even decided on a possible future job yet. I just want to finish highschool for now, I guess?

What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?:
I'm open-minded. I'll accept anything as long as you give me time to think about it, run things through my head.

What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?:
My laziness. Spending a LOT of time deciding and choosing something. I like procrasination too much.

If there was one thing you would change about the world, what would it be? Why?:
No wars, but since it's almost impossible to not have some kind of conflict among humans. No global warming please D: I don't want the world to go BOOM! or people to die of another ice age or something similar

If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what would it be?:
Nothing. Not because I'm perfect or anything. I'm far from that. I just never really thought too closely on it and if I change then I won't be me, right? Well, I'd like to get rid of my laziness though.

Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favorite member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it’s explicit, bold a warning beforehand.):
It's kind of explicit? I wrote a lot..
HEENIM AND YESUNGIE! OH THEY'RE SO CUTE AND WEIRD IN A GOOD WAY. IT TOOK ME A WHILE TO REALISE THEY WERE BOTH AB, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW. THEY JUST CALL TO ME. THE AB TYPE PEOPLE. LEMME SPAZZ ABOUT THEM NOW AND STOP ABUSING MY POOR CAPLOCKS. See Heenim. He's just plain awesomeness. I swear any show he goes on, he can make it funny and entertaining. It's not only that. He's got a terrific personality. I think the people who hate or dislike him just haven't seen his real, caring personality. On varieties, he's always loud, straightforward and overall entertaining. He definitely cares a lot about the people around him and despite how he said that he was one of the most hated entertainers when he debuted and how his personality is cold or whatever. There are a lot of celebrities who say that they're close to him. He really does love and care for his members and he really isn't that girly at all. I'd say it's smart of him to use his appearance to his advantage to create an image that would attract and entertain people. Now Yesung. This cute ball of epic!FAIL. I'm really glad he gets to shine more in this album, with a good start from EHB during 2jib. He's an really amazing singer. Lately, he's been working so hard to be 'Yeneung'. He's amazing in performances amd really just shines. His skinship with the member is just SO cute. Someone who loves through touch, he really like taking care of the other members, especially the magnaes. ... my brain just died D: I think I was gonna write more, but I suddenly blanked out .___.;

On the flip side, who’s your least favorite SuJu member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; your least favorite is probably someone’s favorite.):
Can't answer. I definitely do have my group of slightly more favored members to fangirl, but it's impossible for me to chose someone as least favorite. I love every single one of them <3

What’s your favorite SuJu pairing? (if you have one):
Umma+Appa, Fish+Monkey, BFR+Cinderella, KiSung and basically anything with Yesung in it..

If you could be a SuJu member for a day, which member would you be? Why?:
Kyuhyun. I wanna be magnae for a day~ Cause I'm usually oldest in my year and among my group of friends. I know how Teukie feels. THEY(MyBFFs) CALL ME OLD. ; o; Those traitors. D: One of them even randomly slips an Ajumma in every now and then T^T Besides that Kyu's got an amazing voice and I'd like to see what games he plays 8D

Favorite color?:
Many shades of purple and blue~
Favorite movie? Why?:
Don't have one. I'm really not sure what to pick xD
Favorite saying/quote?:
'Fu wu yuan-rrr~!!' - Kyuhyun calling for the waiter xD
If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?:
Goldfish. I have similar memory lengths to them xD
If you were a dessert, what dessert would you be, and why?:
A plain sponge cake, put next to all those other pretty cakes in those cake shop windows. So, hopefully, no one will buy or eat me 8D "Duuunn eeeaatt ett!"

High, medium, or low energy?:
Low, really low when I'm alone, in class or around strangers. Medium-High when I'm with my friends.
Impulsive or cautious?:
Cautious ("Are you SURE it's okay do that? ... I'm not touching that.")
Mature or Immature?:
Mature outside, but Immature inside.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
Pessimistic ("Noooo, I'm gonna fail! Like everything!")
Touchy feely or not?:
I have my clingy days, but generally not.
Any pets? Tell us about them!:
I wish.
Leader or follower?:
Follower. But I'm surrounded by a group of followers, so sometimes I lead cause it gets annoying when everyone's like "You do it!" "Noooo, you go first." "You go first!" "I don't want to go first! You go!!" No joke. Their voices are ringing through my head right now.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?:
Skip school for a month. Eh, I'm not a bad student and I don't hate school(that much). I'm A/B student. I don't know why I didn't go. I just got up, closed the alarm and went back to sleep.. For a month.. x__x;

It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?:
At home on my crappy old computer. I really don't go out much and my friends would be at home too, especially if it's a Saturday night. I'd be talking to them on msn and probably end up giving the money to my mom so I can use her credit card to buy things online xD
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?:
Scream and go 'what the hell?' before elbowing the person as a defence. I don't like getting too close to strangers =\
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind of drama/what genre of drama would you want to do? Why?:
Family drama. No specific reason, but I think I'd be able to act well in one.
You're onstage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What comes next?:
A quick 'omg, what do I do' spazz, before I try to cover it up and continue on as normally as possible while probably looking uncomfortable.

Would you be fine with being stamped as Henry or Zhou Mi? Yes or no?:
Of course! I love the both of them <3

Pictures of yourself: ( Completely optional. :D)
I hardly ever take pictures. My friends don't either, so no pictures from me.

stamped: hankyung

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