Name/Nickname: Dedra
Age: 20
Likes: Books. Literature. Mythology. History. Language(s). Quotations. Wuxia. Martial arts. Swords. Dance. Music. Honest emotion. Creativity. Freedom. Laughter. The park. The beach. Rainfall. Nighttime. Candles. Bubble baths. Steamy showers. Coffee ice cream. Mangos. Noodles. Pajamas. Sunglasses. Hot guys. Movies. Video games. Lego. Chinese chess. Crosswords. Sleep.
Dislikes: Hate in its many forms. Ignorance. Poor excuses. Fake, obnoxious, and/or rude people. Also, baked beans. Do not like baked beans.
Hobbies: Writing. Reading. Singing (possibly quite badly). Playing piano. Kicking ass in handball. Hanging out with close friends. Fooling around with my brother. Talking with my mom. Playing with the cutest wabbit in the world, Snowflake. Watching movies. Watching people. Taking pictures. Taking walks. Laughing. Thinking. Dreaming.
Strong points: I'd like to think I'm empathetic and can see and feel things from the perspective of others. I'm generally always willing to help, if it's something that's within my power. I don't do bullshit. If I'm interested or passionate or care a lot about something, I give it my all.
Weak points: Sometimes, I just can't bring myself to care. Also, I tend to fall prey to a complicated mix of fear and anger.
Future goals?: Writing, writing, writing. To find out what questions I am asking.
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: I know my flaws and weaknesses and demons.
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: I'm my own worst enemy in many ways, and also don't easily let go of things or the past. I think maybe I "hold [my] hurt close to me like the comfort of a heavy coat," and my anger keeps my warm at night.
If there was one thing you would change about the world, what would it be? Why?: Less hate, less ignorance, less apathy. More love, more compassion, more empathy.
If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what would it be?: Probably nothing. I might not like myself completely all the time, but I wouldn't know who I was if I weren't me.
Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favorite member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it’s explicit, bold a warning beforehand.): Either Siwon or Donghae. Siwon, because 1) okay, let's get the obvious out of the way first - is it legal to be that good-looking? 2) Shibrows, baby, Shibrows 3) His facial expressions and hand gestures are win 4) SKINSHIP. 'Nuff said. 5) He's hard-working and dedicated, and kind and gentlemanly 7) But also, it feels sometimes he has an intense, sort of darker side, beneath the surface that intrigues me. BONUS: Interested in Chinese culture and kickass in Tae Kwon Do. And then Donghae, because 1) who can resist that puppy face and those pointed pearly whites? 2) He is the ultimate kid brother you wanna take care of and protect 3) He is really sensitive, not just in his own feelings, but also in his perceptions of the people around him.
On the flip side, who’s your least favorite SuJu member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; your least favorite is probably someone’s favorite.): Eunhyuk. I know most people find his dorkiness and fail lovable, but it tends to annoy me. He also seems a bit overeager and needy to me. But to each their own.
What’s your favorite SuJu pairing? (if you have one): SiHae, SiHae, SiHae. They are a combination made of awesome. Adorable, but also with undertones of sexy ;D
If you could be a SuJu member for a day, which member would you be? Why?: I want to say Siwon, to fulfill my SiHae (OTP) and SiHan (second favorite pairing) fantasies, but actually, probably Kyuhyun. To sing in that fantastic voice just once ♪♫~ ♥
Favorite color?: Depends, but probably blue and/or black. Or midnight blue. That deep, dark, glowing blue the sky gets at night, perhaps.
Favorite movie? Why?: Gattaca. Because if you really want it, then believe in it and do it and don't ever look back. And Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Ashes of Time, for the beauty of the human emotion they portray. (And also because I love wuxia.)
Favorite saying/quote?: Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?: If this is asking what animal I want to be, then as an avid animal-lover (alliteration!), it's a tough choice. There's the obvious choice of a bird, because of course, who wouldn't want the freedom of wings? But the powerful and beautiful ferocity of the wolf and the tiger are also tempting. But maybe, to quote writer Annie Dilliard, "If I were an animal, I'd choose to be a skunk: live fearlessly, eat anything, gestate my young in just two months, and fall into a state of dreaming torpor when the cold bit hard...." Heh.
If you were a dessert, what dessert would you be, and why?: This is probably the toughest question in this whole survey. But I think I'm gonna go with green tea ice cream.
High, medium, or low energy?: Varies. It could really be any of them depending on the time and situation.
Impulsive or cautious?: Overall, very cautious. But can be impulsive on the rare occasion.
Mature or Immature?: Generally very mature, but will often act like a little kid around those I'm comfortable with.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic, but in a sort of realist way.
Touchy feely or not?: Mostly not. I generally like it when my personal space is respected. Though, I'll let a select few get close and even enjoy it or initiate it =)
Any pets? Tell us about them!: Apart from fish, no pets, sadly.
Leader or follower?: Can be a leader, and will take the lead if and when I see a need, but also content to follow if I like the direction I'm being led in.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?: Not sure. Ride on the handlebars of a bicycle? Hold a scorpion in my hand? Hitch a ride out of desperation with a complete stranger that was driving by while walking at 4 AM in a shady part of town?
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?: Probably in a bookstore. I could live there, given the chance. It's also probably the one thing I waste spend tons of money on.
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?: Get the hell away from him/her and then wait for an explanation. And if a good one isn't given in about 5 seconds. That person is going down.
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind of drama/what genre of drama would you want to do? Why?: A serious drama with real emotion. Because beauty is truth, truth beauty.
You're onstage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What comes next?: Manage the best I can with what I've got (i.e. figure out some way to cover myself up or something somehow) and retreat backstage to fix it the first chance I get. Or basically, fake it 'til I make it (out of there). I mean.
If Hugh Jackman can piss himself onstage during a performance and still be awesome... Would you be fine with being stamped as Henry or Zhou Mi? Yes or no?: Well, I'm not really as big a fan of them as the other thirteen members, but sure, why not. If one of them really matches me best, stamp away.
Pictures of yourself: (Completely optional :D.)
Yes. My wabbits and me are freakin' gangster, yo xD
EDIT: OMG. That is an awesome idea. Why did I not think of it before? For SuJu member I want to be. Heechul. Duh. So I can go around kissing other members and artists. Hmm, the possibilities... xD