(no subject)

Mar 23, 2009 18:06

Name/Nickname: Tanya
Age: 16

Likes: Many things!! JE (Kat-tun, Arashi, NewS, Kanjani8..ETC..), SM (Super Junior, DBSK, SHINee.. ETC), Korean and Japanese language, FOOD!!!!, SLEEP!!!, Hanging out with friends, Watching tv And DANCE!!!
Dislikes:: People who Back-stab, purple veg..
Hobbies: Dance, Piano, Surfing the net, pool..
Strong points: Pretty good listener, I stand up for my friends and I'm pretty good at reading the atmosphere.. :P
Weak points: Can get annoyed and impatient easily..
Future goals?: To be a dancer or a Reporter.. :D
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: When i notice the mood is down, I'll try and liven it up.. I think that's my strong point, I can't really think of any reason :P..
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: I get annoyed easily.. Because I'm impatient, and when I get annoyed, its very difficult to interact with me..

If there was one thing you would change about the world, what would it be? Why?: People to speak the truth, and try to get along with people and learn to compromise their differences.. In short.. That's pretty much is World peace.. :P
If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what would it be?: Um.. To be slightly more positive and to not worry too much..

Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favorite member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it’s explicit, bold a warning beforehand.): Um.. I love Super Junior as a whole.. But I favor this member more than others.. And that is DONGHAE!!!!
He is so adorable, and is a fabulous Dancer, i love his smile.. ETC.. I think I can't say too much at the moment.. Otherwise it'll be too long..
On the flip side, who’s your least favorite SuJu member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; your least favorite is probably someone’s favorite.): I don't not like any member.. But on We Got Married, I'm abit upset over how Kangin behaved on episode 48 (I think)..
What’s your favorite SuJu pairing? (if you have one): Um.. None as of yet.. :P
If you could be a SuJu member for a day, which member would you be? Why?: My favorite, DONGHAE!! It'll be weird, but because it'll be cool cause of the dance classes (and to be able to groove really well), and you get to hang with the rest of Suju!!

Favorite color?: Pink.. I'm not girly, but I just like it :)
Favorite movie? Why?: Across the universe.. Great movie/musical.. Filled with beatles goodness!!
Favorite saying/quote?: Um.. "A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running." - Groucho Marx..
If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?: An Owl.. You can fly, and people often refer to you as wise..
If you were a dessert, what dessert would you be, and why?: Milk Chocolate? Sweet and filled with milky goodness..

High, medium, or low energy?: Medium.. Depends on my sugar-intake of the day..
Impulsive or cautious?: Both
Mature or Immature?: Depends on who I'm with so both..
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Both, but more on the pessimistic side
Touchy feely or not?: Not..
Any pets? Tell us about them!: Had pets, but none at the moment..
Leader or follower?: Both, depends on who I'm with..
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?: 1) Getting on a ride so many times that the person operating it said I could just stay there and not have to queue for it.. and 2) Getting on another ride without knowing what it was gonna do and ended up getting kicked repeatedly by the person sitting besides me, and at the end of the ride, I got bruises all over my legs.. (Most of my crazy stuff were done at theme parks :P)

It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?: Out with friends shopping for magazines at Kinokuniya and shopping for Cds at HMV.. And stopping by some clothes stores..
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?: Go what the hell.. And slap him..
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind of drama/what genre of drama would you want to do? Why?: It will take place in a school, and it'll be a comedy, because dramas are sometimes too dramatic for me..
You're onstage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What comes next?: Deal with it and carry on.. You got a job to finish..

Would you be fine with being stamped as Henry or Zhou Mi? Yes or no?: I'm ok with it :)

Pictures of yourself: ( Completely optional. :D): None at the moment.. Sorry sorry..

*** Please tag yourself as [unstamped] upon submission. Thanks!
And remember to post on the Stamping Post once you're ready to be stamped! (http://community.livejournal.com/suju_rating/32058.html)

stamped: kangin

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