mirror mirror on the wall

Sep 15, 2009 23:44

Please link to 3 other applications you have voted for:
(If there is none to vote, state here).


Name: Kim
Age: 19
Country: USA

Basic information about your looks....

Hair colour: Chestnut brown (I like calling it that now...)
Eye colour: Brown (and black or violet depending on my circle lenses)
Height: A measly 5'1


Skirt or pants: Both! I wear them both pretty much the same amount.
Long hair or short hair: Short, collar bone length.
Gold or silver: Silverrrrrrrrrrr~
Black or white: Black
Red or blue: Red
Nails polished or not: Not polished (unless its a clear polish)
High heels or tennis shoes: Tennis shoes (or rather my Heely's)
Purse or backpack: Backpack; They can be super fashionable and more useful than purses. But if I were going to wear a dress, I would use a purse.

Point of fashion..

SuJu fashion icon, why: Henry or Ryeowook; They both sport very modern, cool, trendy styles. If I were a guy, I would follow their styles.
Non-SuJu fashion icon, why: SHINee; their normal styles look ultra comfortable yet stylish. Jaebeom of 2PM; his style is really cool and urban, luxury gangster~ P'Mike (Golf-Mike); I like his latest rocker style. .... I think I have too many...
Favourite designer/clothing brand (if there is any): Liz Lisa, COCOLULU, Andre Kim, h.NAOTO, Carbon...

About your every day style...

What kind of clothes you normally wear? Depends on what I'm doing. Anywhere from blue jeans and Hello Kitty tees, skinny jeans and oversized longsleeve shirts, to skirts with hoodies.
Do you dye your hair?: Nope, I stopped dying it sometime ago.
What is your favourite colour in clothing?: Mostly solid colors like black or pink.

Any accessories?: Headbands and earrings. I really like wearing my U-Know or Key earrings.
Any makeup?: When I'm chillin' in the house no, but going out yes.
Doing your hair in the morning?: I straighten my hair every morning.

What would you wear...

at yours and the boy's/girl's you like first date? Probably my Liz Lisa dress, fuzzy snow boots and a cute handbag.
at the concert of your favourite band? Skinny jeans, perferably a shirt/hoodie with their name/logo.
at the wedding of your sister?: Anything she tells me to wear. It would be something Russian.
at the birthday party of your best friend? Something cute but doesn't outshine her.
at the school ending ceremony? (This depends of course of your culture; some people have to wear unofrms, but..): Graduation? I wore a very pretty cocktail/evening dress under my gown.
when meeting your fave SuJu member?: Henry : My favorite skinnies, heely's and a shirt with his face on it. Ryeowook; Skirt-stocking-heely's-and a shirt with his face on it~

And in the end....

Describe your look with 3 words: Comfortable, Cute(?), Feminine
Your three favourite accessories: Black headband, U-Know Earrings, Key Earrings
Your three most hated "fashion mistakes": Anything resembling Oshare, (not to be rude) People who pour themselves into things that clearly don't fit, Houndstooth...
Link max four pictures of yourself: One! Two! Three! BOOM!
Anything else:

mirror: eunhyuk

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