mirror mirror on the wall

May 29, 2011 18:19

Please link to 3 other applications you have voted for:


Name: Ain
Age: 18 (Apparently, I haven't aged in the last 6 years, though.)
Country: Singapore! :DDD

Basic information about your looks....

Hair colour: Naturally black. Then I got it dyed in an auburnish-violet (lol whut) colour so it was auburnish under the sunlight. Then it faded into a light brown. It faded even more and now my hair is liberally peppered with faint brown streaks.
Eye colour: Brown enough that you can tell it's brown? XD
Height: 151cm. FML.


Skirt or pants: Pants, definitely. But I do love wearing those long, swishy ankle-length skirts! :D
Long hair or short hair: ...Short. Also, I am in love with Sungmin's hair. *__*
Gold or silver: Silver.
Black or white: White! Even though black is a slimming colour...
Red or blue: Blue, but I like wearing red and blue clothes equally. ...Okay fine, blue.
Nails polished or not: If I'm dragged to the nail salon or experimented on by my sister, then polished. Or not, I won't bother.
High heels or tennis shoes: Tennis shoes.
Purse or backpack: Purse! :D I had a cute pink one, but then my sister broke the strap. ;A;

Point of fashion..

SuJu fashion icon, why: Lol, okay so I can't choose between Sungmin and Yesung. Sungmin because I love his overall style: from his hair to his dress sense...dsjvjdsfhdsjfd Just everything about him, okay? ;A; As for Yesung, his style is more 'out there' but not too 'out there' if you get my drift lol. I like his accessories and his general sense of style. (I swear I'm not saying this just cause I ship them hard! I really can't decide between the two of them. ;____;)
Non-SuJu fashion icon, why: ...Krystal from f(x). She seems to rock anything the cordis give her on stage. And that's saying a lot since f(x)'s clothes are usually...interesting.
Favourite designer/clothing brand (if there is any): Fred Perry, I guess. ;A; Almost everything at asos.com. :Q___

About your every day style...

What kind of clothes you normally wear? Sometimes I wear leggings and a large t-shirt, sometimes, I just throw on a baggy sweater or a plaid shirt with a tank top underneath and skinnies/normal jeans. I like confusing people.
Do you dye your hair?: *looks up* Well, once.
What is your favourite colour in clothing?: Teal/dark pink. Don't force me, I can't choose! @_@

Any accessories?: My various hairbands/bow hair clips/random hair clips, pink lightning necklace, and...sometimes rings. My star earrings too, whenever I can find them. XD
Any makeup?: Lol, no. Wait, is lip balm counted? :O
Doing your hair in the morning?: Drying it. And that's it.

What would you wear...

at yours and the boy's/girl's you like first date? Hmmm. A comfortable sweater and jeans/or a dress and tights.
at the concert of your favourite band? I wore a sweater and jeans to SS3. :D
at the wedding of your sister?: A vintage, knee-length formal dress, with matching flats and a hairband. Actually, it's more likely that I wear my traditional clothes. (:
at the birthday party of your best friend?: Chillin' in mah casual tee and 3/4 pants.
at the school ending ceremony? (This depends of course of your culture; some people have to wear uniforms, but..): A comfortable and appropriate dress, I suppose.
when meeting your fave SuJu member?: IDK. Just a normal T-shirt and jeans. Maybe that 'Compared to you, I'm a genius' tee if I ever get around to buying it. Yes, my favourite member is obviously Kyuhyun. 8D

And in the end....

Describe your look with 3 words: Cute *bricks self for my shamelessness*, comfortable and...colourful?
Your three favourite accessories: Hairbands, necklace and rings.
Your three most hated "fashion mistakes": I didn't regret it lol, but I once wore pink all over. (Pink dress, pink bag, pink shoes) Talk about pink overload. D:

O-okay, I'll answer seriously. Wearing a too-sheer shirt. Never again. ;A; Wearing a too short shirt with slightly sheer tights? Wearing a shirt that I had to keep tugging on to protect my modesty. @__@
Link max four pictures of yourself:


Anything else: I collect cars hats! I don't wear them though. D: And no, my favourite colour isn't pink. It's teal! (:

no mirror

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