Jan 13, 2011 19:56

Dude, my votes are so old... but they still exist xP
1, 2 & 3.

Name: Alice
Age: 16
Country: America(n-born Chinese)

Basic information about your looks....

Hair colour: Black (though browner than most), with gold streaks
Eye colour: Black/dark brown
Height: 5'3" oTL


Skirt or pants: Pants! Though I do love skirts ^^
Long hair or short hair: I prefer long hair, though short hair actually looks better on me >>;;
Gold or silver: Gold
Black or white: Black
Red or blue: Both! ^^
Nails polished or not: Polished, though my nails are basically nonexistent x__x;
High heels or tennis shoes: Tennis shoes (but heels are pretty--I sound so indecisive right now orz)
Purse or backpack: Backpack!

Point of fashion..

SuJu fashion icon, why: Leeteuk, mostly because he manages to work just about anything that's put on his body. He also seems more of a simpler type of guy (in terms of fashion), yet the clothes don't look too plain on him ^^
Non-SuJu fashion icon, why: Onew (SHINee), because I really like him in collars--not as an appearance sort of thing (well yes, he looks good ^^) but also because I really like collar-type shirts. Also, he, like Leeteuk, seems to have more of a clean/plain fashion sense, but it manages to work out (and I'm more fond of the plain kind of things).
Favourite designer/clothing brand (if there is any): I'm not really one about designer and clothing brands, just as long as clothes look good on me ^^;

About your every day style...

What kind of clothes you normally wear? I usually just throw things on, though my wardrobe mostly consists of jeans with the occasional corduroy.
Do you dye your hair?: Not fully, but I do get my hair streaked once a year.
What is your favourite colour in clothing?: Black, because it looks good on everyone ^^

Any accessories?: Bracelets, the occasional necklace and/or earrings. And notebooks, if they count XD
Any makeup?: Nope!
Doing your hair in the morning?: I comb it until my bangs fall down in front of my face and aren't choppy, since they tend to swish and separate >>;;

What would you wear...

at yours and the boy's/girl's you like first date? If it's a formal-type date, probably a small dress or something ^^; If it's casual, then probably a short sleeved shirt and jeans <<;
at the concert of your favourite band? Short sleeved shirt with a long sleeved tee underneath, and jeans!
at the wedding of your sister?: Some cute dress that matches the color theme of the wedding xD
at the birthday party of your best friend? One of my better shirts and jeans >>; Actually, my pants usually just change daily despite almost any circumstance XD
at the school ending ceremony? (This depends of course of your culture; some people have to wear unofrms, but..): Short sleeved shirt and jeans (I know, I'm a very boring person in terms of fashion). Or perhaps some velvet pants.
when meeting your fave SuJu member?: See above >>; Though probably some clothes that make me look a bit more flattering. I'm not very fond of low-cut or tight shirts, though.

And in the end....

Describe your look with 3 words: simple, comfortable, personal (because people have said that I look good in tight jeans, but tight + me = no)
Your three favourite accessories: Hair elastics, bracelets, and rings... occasionally.
Your three most hated "fashion mistakes": People wearing clothes that don't look good on them, people wearing clothes that are obviously uncomfortable, and, um, girls judging other girls for wearing slutty clothes even if they look good in them? (Does that count? >>;)
Link max four pictures of yourself: My awkward smile, my awkward half-smile, my focused/normal face, and me being Asian, along with a random cow wearing a sign that says 'Eat more chiken.'
Anything else:

no mirror

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