Please link to 3 other applications you have voted for:
1 2 3 Name: Lene (nickname: Miki)
Age: 15
Country: Norway
Basic information about your looks....
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown (a hint of yellow)
Height: 158 cm
Skirt or pants: Skirt!
Long hair or short hair: Long
Gold or silver: Gold
Black or white: White
Red or blue: Red
Nails polished or not: Polished
High heels or tennis shoes: High heels (makes me feel taller)
Purse or backpack: Purse
Point of fashion..
SuJu fashion icon, why: Hyuk ^^ You can't deny that the man's got style :'D
Non-SuJu fashion icon, why: I like Japanese street fashion a lot ^^ Such cute clothes and colours~ Makes me wanna smile!
Favourite designer/clothing brand (if there is any): None, actually. I really like second-hand clothes, though. I mean, I don't have to wear designer clothes, H&M is good enough for me :'D
About your every day style...
What kind of clothes you normally wear?: Skinny jeans/tights, colourfull t-shirts/tunika's/dresses
Do you dye your hair?: Maybe once a year... I coloured it like.. almost blonde last year and it didn't work out XD A few days ago I dyed it brown again ^^
What is your favourite colour in clothing?: All colours!
Any accessories?: I often wear earrings and jewelry
Any makeup?: Mascara
Doing your hair in the morning?: Brush it(?)
What would you wear...
at yours and the boy's/girl's you like first date?: something like
THISat the concert of your favourite band?: something like
THISat the wedding of your sister?: something like
THISat the birthday party of your best friend?: something like
THISat the school ending ceremony? (This depends of course of your culture; some people have to wear unofrms, but..): almost like
THISwhen meeting your fave SuJu member?: something like
THIS And in the end....
Describe your look with 3 words: random, colourful, unique if i want to ^^
Your three favourite accessories: ribbons, jewelry and earrings
Your three most hated "fashion mistakes": as long as people like what they're wearing, i'm glad ^^
Link max four pictures of yourself:
||| (oh, so old~)
||| |V (i know this picture sucks, but there you can see like.. my style kinda. i dunno XD)
Anything else: I like being special :3 That's all~