Title: Broken Heart, Broken Soul
Genre: Romance, angst, drama, AU, smut (some chapters)
Rating: PG-13 (will go higher) Pairings: Kyumin, broken!Qmi, Eunhae (more later)
Summary: Cho Kyuhyun, the young heir to Cho Corporations Inc., loses any hope he has left of finding love after going through a harsh breakup with his ex Zhoumi. However, he didn't see
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I missed your fics and you souw much T^T *hugs tiiiight :D*
omo this fics is already SOOOOO good!!!
I hate qmi XDDD (but love mimi!!<3) so I was actually kind of happy that they broke up XD
but still pitty kyu :(
they both must be VERY hurt...but yeah...fates wants it,ne?
OMO KYU!!!accident O.o!!!!NOOOOOOOO!!!!BUAHHH BE SAVE Q________Q....
aish kyu DX buying things and short calls is not a prove that you love someone much :/
gooosh the sungmin part made me tear up T^T poor him....loosing both his paets with such a young age...hope he soon can finad is dad :)!!!HWAITING MINNIE!!your aunt will support you :D me too :D
it´s typical for this damn rich ppl -.- money is everytime more important -.- not the condition of their patients =____=....hate such rich ppls!!
hui you were VERY busy O.o
did you knew your grandparents well? or did you saw them often? some ppl just can´t feel anything...for me you are not emitoneless !! you are for me a very ubbly and happy girl :)!!
some ppl are strong,some just don´t want to accept it....there are for sure a lot of reasons why you haven´t cried :) not bcos you lack of emotion!so don´t say this oki?
buuu school´s a bitch XD
Hwaiting unnie :) you will get the credits you want :DD
you are a smart girl ;)!!<333
heheh it´s so good that my mom don´t know how the lock the pc and such XD she herself wouldn´t als have stand it wthout i-net XD!<3
you remember everything bcos you are a smart ass LOL XD!!!and have a huuuge brain 8DD~~~
thanks for the awesome update and sharing your life from april till now XD!<333
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