I'm Weird

Sep 18, 2009 13:43

I've been doing a LOT of hole punching lately.  A LOT.  I'm putting together tenure dossiers for three faculty members and it's remarkably tedious and precise.  I have to hole punch everything and put it in fancy binders.

I have this urge to collect my dots from the 3-hole punch and keep them in a tuperware container.  What if I need them?  They are like confetti.  White confetti.  Snow!  Also, it could be snow.  I don't know...I just want to keep them and am always sad when I throw them away.  What a waste of FUN.

When I was little, I used to spend hours at my mom's office after school.   One of my pastimes was using Mom's hole punch and punching holes in paper and collecting the dots.  I've always been fascinated by them. On a good day, I would get colored paper and make colorful dots.  At the end of the day, I always had to throw them out of I would spill them everywhere.  It makes me a little sad thinking about it.

But acutally typing that out, actually saying it.  I think maybe that's a little crazy.  Paper dots...

I wish I didn't have to throw you away.

crazy, paper dots

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