(13/30) Beware of these naked girls!

May 15, 2010 20:40

(13/30) Beware of these naked girls!

Yes, I’ve finally finished reading Girls. I read the rest of 20 volumes in 2 nights. Why it took me long to read them? Cause I had to dig other sites to download the 14th and 24th volumes o_O

Girls (www.lunabrothers.com/bib_girls.php) is a 24-volume comic book of survival and battle of sexes.

I must say there’s one thing that I hate when I read them: I couldn’t stop reading them! Well, sometimes I stopped to observe the artwork (the naked girls, of course :P) and wondered if I could use them for my facebook profile pic XDD hmm… what would my friends think about it? Haha.

Let’s share some of their hotness here. Pretend you are boys. Or lesbian. Or just comic lover. whatever. These girls are irresistible, anyway…


are they decent enough for my facebook profile pic? or too decent? lol.


oh, I love the later cover. it made me think of abusive and bloody sex! arrrgggh~

One thing I like most is the character development. I thought the main character would be Ethan. I thought he’d control the plot -with his sexual frustationness: p. But no. it’s the girls. It’s always the naked girls.

These 24 volumes tell how people of quiet small town of Pennystown have to deal with unimaginable terror: the women-eater, men-fucker naked girls. One says that during stressful times, one’s true personality and capacity is revealed... or more likely, tested. This is exploited nicely in Girls. A complete useless son remains useless during most of the story, while another dickhead remains dumb even when he’s trying to save his best friend.lol. An abusive wife becomes more sadistic, while her husband plays the victim vengeance too well. Survivor of domestic violence hits his pregnant wife after years of overprotecting her. A police officer reveals his megalomaniac side. A gold-digger housewife shooting everyone out of her house and confessing her hard work of pretending to like her husband wrinkled balls. … and many more. Well, crisis reveals everyone’s ugly truth. (Including finding your -correction: public- enemy as your imaginary friend, or even better -your conscience.) I like this part the most.

The second thing that I like is the paneling. Most of the pages are divided to four or five horizontal panels. I found it nicer and easier to watch the whole scene. This comic rarely focuses on one person’s action or facial expression.

Reading the first 2 volumes, I sensed a triangle love between Ethan-Taylor-Wes. Taylor is Ethan’s ex girlfriend (although later, she said they’re not break up, but need some space… and Ethan becomes more convinced that women are complex.lol), while Wes is the megalomaniac police officer. Naturally, Ethan hates Wes, and Wes hates Ethan too … for different reason. Well, every Pennysworth’s people hates Ethan for the same reason: he’s a jerk. Although throughout the story he becomes less and lesser jerk. Wait… what’s my point here? Lol. Oh, ok I remember now. It turns out that there’s no triangle love. Wes doesn’t seem to care much for Taylor. He seems to care more for Ethan… not in positive way :p.

ouch! that's rude, Wes!

yes! go, Ethan go!

nah, you're just playing hard to get, aren't you Wes? :p

Again, what’s my point?

Of course I want them to be together -as you can expect from a fujoshi like me.mwahahah. Seriously, they’ll make a great couple, better than Ethan-Taylor. Wes is a man, thus he isn’t as complicated as Taylor. He’s a policeman, he’ll protect Ethan. While Ethan will punch him.

Wes: correction, slap not punch.

Me: correction, kiss.
/is slashed by The Lunas.

I love Ethan!

Concluding this long entry is my next ‘project’: prowling to find other Luna Brothers’s works. Soon I will read The Sword. I’m starting to like Joshua Luna’s artwork. I find similarities between his main characters. Hot chicks will always resemble the naked girls, policemen resemble Wes, … etc. It also happens to Miyamoto Kano, and that’s one of the reasons I like her works. Hehe. Sometimes I like predictability :D

Ok, girls. Remember: don’t run around naked. You may end up meeting mediocre stranger and vomiting eggs. Haha. Have a nice weekend ;)

girls, meme, comic, 30 entries

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