Girls (11/30)

Apr 18, 2010 04:38

*Somebody is persistent with her 30 days meme. Fine. I won't retreat either.
It’s gonna be our (stupid) war. Muahaha.*

I’m bored with manga style,… well, I’m not a fan of manga (or comic) in the first place. So I was searching for link to download Persepolis, a graphic novel of Marjane Satrapi, when I found a site of free comic download. I wish I could download other graphic novels, cause I don’t think I’d buy them. They’re so expensive T_T … well, the high price comes with great artworks too. But still … T_T

Anyway, I randomly chose a comic book scan called Girls for it has the best cover.

The first issue of Girls tells about Ethan, a lousy shopkeeper who aren’t lucky with women. It’s been 6 months since he broke up with his girlfriend, Taylor, and he seemed to reach sexual frustration. One night, he got drunk and called all women sluts. Everybody was angry at him, then he’s thrown out of the bar. When he drove home, he almost hit someone. A naked woman. She looked hurt and bewildered. Ethan helped her. And that’s how everything goes … wrong.

Girls is a 24-volume thriller comic book created by the Luna brothers (Joshua Luna and Jonathan Luna). I just read 4 volumes, but I think I like this series. It may not have great artworks like Marvel’s, …nah, the lines aren’t that sophisticated. But the coloring is good. And the plot isn’t as simple as I told earlier :D Well, at first it may sounds like some excerpts of Species film… you know, when the mysterious naked girl was mating with Ethan (and Ethan thought she’s also sexually frustrated like and the next day she reproduced herself. Ethan thought she threw up because of the leftover fried chicken he gave her, but actually she vomited big eggs. These eggs cracked and then many girls like her filling up his house. I find it fun to see naked girls chasing innocent village people. Haha *sadistic laugh*

Okay. I’m going to read the next volume of Girls (and forgetting the mount of works to do). Have a nice dream, girls. Don’t run around naked and rape random guys. You may end up vomiting eggs…

girls, comic, 30 entries

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