Aug 27, 2011 11:59


In order for fills to not get lost in the !filled tags on delicious, please nest your fill. This means that if your fanfic fill has multiple parts, reply to part 1 to add the new update. It makes it easier for us to rec it for delicious as its own fill and not to the prompt directly. And it lets ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

Question about that - anonymous August 27 2011, 17:11:47 UTC
I've seen some authors who reply to part 1 with part 2, and then part 3 is a reply to 2, etc. Personally, I find that easier to read because then each time I get a message that it was updated, I see the previous part (and remember which fic it is), followed by the newest part. Otherwise, I see the newest part as a reply to the first part each time, and I get a little lost trying to figure out what happened right before.

So... my question is: is it still nested enough for Delicious if authors reply to each part? Or do they have to reply to just part 1 each time?

Does that make sense at all? lol


Re: Question about that - suitsmeme August 27 2011, 17:19:05 UTC
yes, what you described as a reply to each part is still nested. Either way is fine for me, it just gets complicated when authors reply with multiple parts to the actual prompt. In that case we have to rec the prompt.


mockturtletale August 27 2011, 17:22:40 UTC
Can I ask what the problem with linking to the prompt is?


suitsmeme August 27 2011, 17:41:24 UTC
It get difficult with multiple fills to archive each fill as a separate rec when we can also link to the prompt due to parts of the fill getting lost when coming from delicious if we archive the fill ( ... )


mockturtletale August 27 2011, 17:50:15 UTC
Aha! I see what you're saying, and why that must be a really big hassle for multi-fills.

But I've found that when you nest your posts, it gets to a point where the subject is shortened to just '...' and so when you look through the comments you can't actually distinguish between general replies or comments and the sections of the fill itself without going through everything and thus you can't tell immediately when a WIP has been updated.

I'm wondering if maybe a way to avoid this problem and still make it easy for you to avoid the duplicate bookmarks issue would be to post an initial comment in reply to a prompt and then post the sections of your fill in reply to this comment?


suitsmeme August 27 2011, 18:00:57 UTC
I know we don't have quite as many multi-fills yet but it is something to work on in the future.

I know. That's one of the problems that I saw. In that case, it would be easier to have the next parts as a reply to the first part.

I'm wondering if maybe a way to avoid this problem and still make it easy for you to avoid the duplicate bookmarks issue would be to post an initial comment in reply to a prompt and then post the sections of your fill in reply to this comment?

That's basically what I'm hoping that people will do. This makes sense right: reply to part 1 to add the new update? I probably need to reword it in some way.

I just want to make sure that everyone's fill doesn't get lost in the next round so I'm trying to get out there so that people will know before I post round 3.


related question anonymous August 27 2011, 21:16:00 UTC
So... If I post a fill in little parts, but then I later go back and post the fill in its entirety somewhere else (an LJ account,, a03, etc)

How does that work for Delicious? If I post a note on my fill here with the link to the complete fill, will that eventually show up in Delicious? Or will it always be linked to my chopped up first fill?

Just wondering because I tend to edit and make things a little nicer after it's posted here. I'd hate for the chopped up version to be the only one anyone ever sees.


Re: related question suitsmeme August 27 2011, 23:38:36 UTC
the way that the archiving works is that we will link the first fill to the prompt, that way if people want to fill it again, they have the ability to. Your comment featuring the fill elsewhere will show up at the very bottom of the thread or at least where you posted it within the prompt thread. Don't forget that we also have a fill post, where you can edit/add to your original comment to post a link to the cleaned up version of the fill.


Re: related question anonymous August 28 2011, 00:53:31 UTC
different anon - but I was wondering about that.

If I post my fill to the meme part by part, but then don't post to the fill post until I've posted the cleaned up version, will the archive link to my cleaned up version, since that's the one on the filled post? Or will it go back and link to the bits I posted part by part? (Or would it just link to whichever link I provide?)

Thanks for the clarification! Sorry for being confusicated! 8)


Re: related question anonymous August 28 2011, 01:01:17 UTC
I was wondering that as well. If someone begins to post a fill - does it automatically get added to delicious? Or only if it's linked to the fill post?

I wonder because I'd hate to see fills end up in the archive that never got finished.


arsenicjade August 29 2011, 00:56:32 UTC
Hey, I just wanted to apologize for not previously nesting. This is my first time participating in a kink meme and I know I'm often screwing things up. Thanks for hosting, this has been a really fun place for me to be, and I promise to nest from now on.


suitsmeme August 29 2011, 02:24:32 UTC
No need to apologize. I'm glad that your participating in the kink meme and that you're having a great time here. :)


anonymous September 12 2011, 08:05:22 UTC
Hi, just popping in to say there have been a few errors in the !filled tag on Delicious. Some haven't even been replied to and some have just commentary on the prompts, no fills at all, but they're being tagged as filled.

Not sure if this is an error or just someone making a few mistakes, but just pointing it out!


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