so about a year ago, i drove across the country to tennessee in my grandfathers 2004 porsche, my grandparents purchased a house in clarksville, and i went to help and to get a break from things and such.i then drove to chicago, where i stayed with my good friend vivian. hung out there for a while,went to a thomas cambell art show in downtown and while down there i met this...
this crazy... beautiful girl that said her name was natalie. i came to find out later that her name was camilla insom, but she had been called natalia since childhood because one of her childhood friends was also named camilla, but thats a whole other story. anyways i watched this girl for probably two hours before i actually got the nerve to talk to her. i asked her for coffee and she said yeah. to make a long story short... we hung out all night,she spent the night, we drove to new york together, we spent three weeks together, i found out that she was married and had two kids, was only visiting new york for a photo shoot, and really lived in italy.
today i find out... she now lives in new york, shes divorced, visiting LA, is free after five, and would love to get coffee again.