holiday prompt post

Nov 18, 2011 22:40


IMPORTANT: This round is different and will thus have a few more rules applied to it.

1. Prompt must have to do with a holiday. Any prompt that is not holiday related will be deleted. (Birthdays do not count as Holidays in this case. If you want a Birthday prompt that wasn' ( Read more... )

prompts, holiday round

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[Fill] Home for the Holidays (1/?) raspyinherbones December 28 2011, 06:58:28 UTC
Mike knows that look. He recognizes it the moment he walks into Harvey’s glass office with the files requested in hand. That look is the bane of Mike’s very existence, the one that says, “You’re going to do something you really don’t want to do, you have no choice, and you’re going to pretend to love it.” Mike loves Harvey’s face, loves the beauty marks and the laugh lines, and loves his eyes. But Mike really hates that look.

“I have a present for you,” Harvey is reclining in his chair that probably cost more than all of the furniture in Mike’s little apartment put together, and his expensive black loafers rest on the desk. There’s a smirk on his face, that smirk that Mike hates so much, but is entirely powerless against.

“Oh really? Is this one of those things where you tell me that it’s a present to make it seem like you’re doing it for me, rather than seem like you’re forcing me to do something against my will, which is what you’re actually doing?” He can’t help the snide remarks that tumble out of his mouth. The banter is not particularly new to their relationship, but still there are times when he feels a little guilty. Occasionally Harvey does give him gifts for no reason other than to dote on the younger man, but Mike won’t let himself feel guilty. Not with that look.

Harvey just chuckles knowingly, and holds out a little booklet. Its plane tickets; and Mike recognizes this before the paper even touches his fingers. He glances down at the two first class tickets to Savannah, Georgia and looks back up at Harvey, his brows knitted together slightly in confusion. “But Harvey, don’t your parents-” his voice trails off as he makes eye contact with the older man, and he off handedly notes the sinking feeling in his stomach.

“For the holidays, of course. They want to meet you.”

Mike sort of almost resembles a goldfish, Harvey notes with delight.

Mike can’t recall a time where he’s ever seen Harvey so excited with all of his clothes on. Not his normal clothes of course, opting instead for slacks and a green and white rugby shirt, as they make their way onto the plane. He can practically feel energy oozing out of the normally collected lawyer, and Mike smiles a little when Harvey takes his hand once they’ve settled into the comfortable first class seats. Mike has never been to Georgia, and come to think of it, he doesn’t know a whole lot about Harvey’s family, other than the sister he mentioned once in passing.

Mike shifts in his seat to look at Harvey, the fitted denim jeans and polo that Harvey picked out aren’t as comfortable as his normal attire, but he is meeting Harvey’s parents for the first time, and he wants to make a good impression. “A few things before we get there,” Mike didn’t even realize he was staring at Harvey’s unslicked hair until the deep throaty voice snaps him out of his reverie.

“Hu? Yeah? What?” Mike, oh so eloquent, responds.

“I’m a bit of a black sheep in my family, so be prepared, they’re all quite… different from me,” Harvey lists off first, his thumb slowly caressing the top of Mike’s hand. “And all of my siblings are going to be there. It’s going to be a little chaotic. Just bare with me, they’re very nice and very welcoming, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

The wheels in Mike’s extraordinary brain are turning, struggling to comprehend the information he’s just been given. He never stopped to think about it before really, he had always just assumed that Harvey’s father was a bit like Harvey, and he had always assumed that the elder Specter was a lawyer as well. But black sheep, which implied something different entirely.

“Wait a minute, how many siblings do you have?” Mike’s eyes narrowed.

“Oh, only five.”


Re: [Fill] Home for the Holidays (1/?) casness December 28 2011, 19:54:02 UTC
This is amazing! ♥


Re: [Fill] Home for the Holidays (1/?) raspyinherbones January 15 2012, 05:56:54 UTC
Is this finished?


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