Fill Post

Oct 07, 2011 00:23

Post LINKS to all of your filled prompts here. Include the prompt's description in your comment. This will make it so much easier to catalog all of the filled prompts that are coming in. Be sure to check the Delicious account to make sure I've marked the prompt you've filled as, well, filled. Give me about 24 hours to update the archives. ( Read more... )


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Harvey/Mike, Donna, Five-plus-One, Flagrante Delicto moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:48:20 UTC
Five Times Donna Purposely Walks in on Harvey's Sexytime with Mike Just to Mess with Him and One Time She Was Caught Off-Guard Because Even Queens are Blind-Sided Once in a Lifetime

Or, because that may be just a bit too lengthy for a title:

Donna is Made of Awesome and Amazing and Every Other Word That Describes Her. She knows all, she sees all. She listens. She is the Fax Whisperer, the Queen of Pearson-Hardman (second only to Jessica because she is amazing in her own right). Donna is Donna and if there is one thing that amuses her to no end (aside from making side-comments about Louis's non-existent hair, and frightening a certain small puppy into bribing her with her daily dose of guilt-free hot chocolate), it's screwing with Harvey Spector's sex life with aforementioned puppy (because, really, the raised Harvey-Spector-eyebrow-of-shocked-surprise is always hilarious, and making the puppy think she's out to destroy him with a severe case of blue-balls... Would you be able to pass it up?)

I digress (which is probably how my prompts end up 2142415126 miles long). Basically, I want a five-plus-one (or however many you lovely anons can dream up) of Donna purposely barging in on Harvey/Mike sexytimes just to screw with them, and one time where it was either accidental (but she totally played it off like it was planned), or where she just left them alone (as she pitied their contact-deprived 'special places').



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