Aug 22, 2011 01:28
Application - Beta For Hire
Name: Grace
Position: Beta
Categories I Beta: Slash, smut, kinks, fluff, crack, UST
Categories I Do Not Beta: MPreg and AU
Pairings I Beta: Havery/Mike for the most part, but I'm open to beta any slash pairing
Pairings I Do Not Beta: Not a specialist in het fics
Characters I Beta: Any and all
Characters I Do Not Beta: None
Type Of Beta I Provide: Grammar, fact checking (lingo and laws), punctuation, flow of story, and characterization
Length Of Fics I Beta: 0-1000 can mostly be done in a day or two, 1000-5000 is about three to four days, 5000-10,000 will probably land just under a week, 10,000-50,000 equals roughly week maybe plus a day or two depending on how rushed you are. Anything higher will be handled on a chapter by chapter basis.
member: beta,
type: beta for hire