round four prompt post - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS

Oct 02, 2011 18:38



IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains ( Read more... )

prompts, round four

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Re: Fill: Take Care (2c/3) rories October 10 2011, 08:01:09 UTC
Donna changes and washes up first, sauntering out of the bathroom fresh faced and in one of Harvey’s button downs. She gives Harvey the go ahead to use the bathroom and wanders into the kitchen after checking on Mike who is sleeping fitfully. She heats up leftovers from the night before and dishes it out onto two plates just in time for Harvey to wander out, his sleep pajamas slung low on his hips. His hair is damp from his quick shower and messier than she’s ever seen it.

He takes the plate from her and presses a kiss to her lips, sighing into her mouth as she yields beneath him. The day had been relatively stress free but the guilt and regret of not noticing that Mike was sick has exhausted the both of them.

“We should get him to eat something,” Donna says, standing to find something light to feed to their boyfriend. “Don’t we have soup somewhere?”

Harvey gathers their plates and drops them into the sink, turning back to find Donna reaching for a can of soup, his shirt riding up the back of her thighs. Any other night and he’d have her pinned to the counter, but he already knows she’d just push him away. Their puppy is most important right now so Harvey just runs a hand over his face and adjusts his sleep pants.

“Just leave him for now,” he says, taking the can from Donna and setting it on the counter. “Let him sleep.” He lets her wrap her arms around his waist, pulling her into his chest and pressing a kiss to the crown of his head.

“Shoulda sent him home at lunch,” she mutters into his bare chest.

“He wouldn’t have gone,” he replies and she snorts because she knows it’s true. Mike’s almost as stubborn as the both of them.

They hold each other a few moments more before their embrace is interrupted by a harsh cough from the bedroom. Donna moves first and her bare feet pad against the hardwood as she makes her way to the back of the apartment. Harvey takes a moment to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then flicks the lights off as he makes his way out of the kitchen.

Donna has already climbed into bed with Mike who has wrapped himself around her and has his head resting on her shoulder. His breathing is heavy and he is sweating slightly so Harvey grabs a wet washcloth to set on his forehead. He ignores the way Mike’s brow furrows again and just keeps the cloth pressed to his lover. Donna runs her fingers through Mike’s unruly hair and smiles when Mike settles at the touch, sighing in contentment at the repetitive motion.

Harvey finally climbs into bed, pressing himself against Mike’s back. He knows Mike loves human contact and he would never deny his associate that, especially now. He lets Mike grab his hand and pull it over him, resting on Donna’s stomach. It’s their usual nightly position, but tonight it feels different. Tonight it feels complete.


Re: Fill: Take Care (3/3) rories October 10 2011, 08:02:18 UTC
Mike’s fever breaks in the middle of the night, the sweat pouring off of him enough to wake Donna and Harvey. He’s practically unconscious as Harvey lifts him from the bed so Donna can change the sheets, but at least he’s no longer burning up. When he’s settled back in the bed, Harvey removes his shirt and Donna changes his boxers, but the young man is back to sleep in moments.

Donna and Harvey climb back into bed, thankful that their puppy is getting better and that they don’t have to be at work in the morning. Mike sighs as he curls into Harvey’s side, tangling his legs with Donna’s.

His fever is slightly back in the morning when Donna wakes up, but its low enough that she is no longer concerned. She gets him a glass of water and he’s awake enough to hold it himself this time and take his own pill. Harvey is still asleep so Mike lays his head on his chest and sighs. Donna leans over and presses a kiss to Mike’s temple, smiling into his hair when he mumbles a soft “Love you.”

She makes a pot of coffee though she knows that Harvey won’t be awake for another hour and Mike not even get out of bed today. Her suspicions are confirmed when Harvey stumbles in almost an hour and a half later, pillow marks on his face and his hair an utter mess.

“The octopus we call a boyfriend has turned into a furnace,” he says, his voice thick with sleep.

“That’s called a fever, darling,” Donna retorts, leaning her head back so Harvey can give her a kiss. “And be thankful it’s lower than it was last night.” Harvey just grunts as he pours himself a cup of coffee and leans against the counter.

They’re just starting the new Star Trek for the eighth time when Mike stumbles out, the comforter wrapped around his shoulders and eyes still half closed. “Morning, sunshine,” Donna chirps and Mike frowns slightly as he makes his way to the couch.

“You left,” he pouts as he burrows farther into the blankets and leans into Donna. He feels the same as he did yesterday and he’s vaguely aware that he has a fever and should probably be in bed. But being sick means he needs comfort and while Donna and Harvey normally aren’t great at comfort, they’d been doing a great job last night and he’d like to have that again.

He rubs his face against Donna’s shoulder and feels Harvey drape an arm around his shoulders and they all sink further into the couch. This is what Mike needs, the human contact that comes with being with the people you love and he’s lucky enough to have two people.

He falls asleep before Kirk makes it on to the Enterprise.


These three have become like a new OT3 and they just make me want to write all of the things.


Re: Fill: Take Care (3/3) kurtofskylove October 10 2011, 13:07:24 UTC
I didn't even know I loved this until I read this. My OT3 is Louis/Mike/Harvey but now I'm having second thoughts? Can one have both a het and a slash OT3? Anything goes in fandom, yeah?

So, so amazing, dearest author.


Re: Fill: Take Care (3/3) rories October 10 2011, 14:21:44 UTC
OP here, and this is so, so sweet, and pretty much exactly what I wanted. Then again I want all the Mike/Harvey/Donna, so I guess I'm biased, lol. But this was great, and totally adorable. Poor sick puppy, but he's got two people to take care of him :)


Re: Fill: Take Care (3/3) rippersgirl06 October 22 2011, 00:25:22 UTC
Awww, so sweet :-)


Re: Fill: Take Care (3/3) tattooedsiren November 11 2011, 05:31:47 UTC
Loved it.


Re: Fill: Take Care (3/3) uniquepov May 2 2012, 22:50:34 UTC
very nice!


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