round four prompt post - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS

Oct 02, 2011 18:38



IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains ( Read more... )

prompts, round four

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Aftertaste [1/1] anonymous October 7 2011, 11:02:18 UTC
It's unhealthy. Yeah, that's what it is. He should not be sitting at his desk, barely 9 in the morning with an open bag of gummy bears in front of him.

It's childish. Definitely childish. He should not be at lunch with a group of adults tossing his head back and catching candy in his mouth.

It's unprofessional. Totally unprofessional, that is a damn jacket pocket and he's using it as if it's a built in candy dispenser.

And most of all it's distracting. Completely distracting the way Mike is sitting in front of him going over a case with half a Twizzler hanging out of his mouth.

"I don't know, Harvey. I'm still not finding anything that could get it overturned," Mike said tugging at the Twizzler in his mouth and biting a piece off as his eyes scanned the papers in front of him.

"Do you ever stop with the candy?" Harvey asked not even acknowledging what Mike had just said to him.

"I'm sorry. Do you want one?" Mike asked pulling a piece out of the bag and holding it out to Harvey.

"No, because for the millionth time, I don't like candy."

"Everybody likes candy, Harvey," he replied as he pushed the candy closer to Harvey.

Harvey rolled his eyes at Mike before reluctantly grabbing from his hand. Mike smiled as he watched Harvey take a bite.

"Good, right?"

"It's not horrible," Harvey responded.

Mike had offered Harvey another piece once he finished the first, to which Harvey declined, because it was just candy, and Harvey didn't even like candy, after all. He didn't like it that much anyway. I mean, it was okay, he guesses. The way the strawberry flavor had seemed to dance across his taste buds, well, that wasn't too bad. But he only tried it in the first place to get Mike to quit offering him candy anyway. Yeah, that was exactly why he did it.

Except two nights later Harvey found himself stopping at a convenience store and picking up a pack of licorice, and not even waiting until he was out of the parking lot to eat it. His tongue felt heavy with the sweetness, he certainly wasn't used to eating things with this much sugar. His mind drifted to Mike, wondering how he could eat so much of this stuff on a daily basis, and how his mouth must taste like a candy store with all the candy he was always eating. And damn it, Harvey wished he would have never started thinking about what Mike's mouth must taste like, because he couldn't get it out of his head.

Because then Harvey started noticing the way Mike's breath smelled light and fruity when he talked close to him. He noticed how Mike's lips were tinged with just the slightest color of red from eating candy. And he couldn't stop staring at the kid's mouth. He had become entirely fixated on Mike's mouth in the matter of a few days.

They were back in Harvey's office after hours going over documents again, Mike tossing a pink Starburst into his mouth while mumbling something about by-laws that Harvey didn't quite catch because he was too busy staring. And wondering, and staring some more. He should just kiss him, Harvey thought. Just fucking kiss him and get it over with.

Mike noticed Harvey staring at him, because really, how could he not? It was painfully obvious, it always was, just more so lately.

"Want some?" Mike asked.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Come on, Harvey. Just try," Mike said getting up and walking over to Harvey and sitting down next to him. Harvey watched Mike intently as he unwrapped one of the candies.

"Open your mouth," Mike demanded.

Normally Harvey would have had some comment about how Mike certainly can not tell him what to do, but the tone of Mike's voice sounded like pink cotton candy , so he did. And he was glad he did so because he was met with Mike's mouth meeting his, Mike's tongue sliding in and wrapping around his and this, well this was infinitely better than what he could have imagined. Mike's mouth was hot, sugary, wet, sticky, and there was a strong surge of strawberry, with a just a tint of some other fruit Harvey couldn't quite detect, but was sure he now loved.

"God, Mike.." Harvey finally said breathlessly after pulling away from the heat of Mike's mouth.

"Any complaints about my candy now?"

"Not if I continue to get the aftertaste," Harvey grinned.

"I think that can be arranged," Mike said, smiling back at him.


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] c8h7n3o2 October 7 2011, 21:08:47 UTC
*flails* sharing is definitely caring! XD


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] _nevergone October 8 2011, 03:40:25 UTC
Truer words never spoken!


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] tranquilize_xo October 7 2011, 22:57:29 UTC
Loved it!


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] _nevergone October 8 2011, 03:40:56 UTC
Yay! Glad to hear it :)


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] anonymous October 8 2011, 00:08:00 UTC


posting this from beyond the yonder

amazing job


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] _nevergone October 8 2011, 02:30:29 UTC
thank you, but no dying allowed! come back to life :)


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] anonymous October 8 2011, 03:24:42 UTC
Stupid Harvey! Candy is gooooooood.

I now have a want for strawberry twizzlers. :(


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] _nevergone October 8 2011, 03:38:55 UTC
Haha You should go get some :) I actually live about 10 minutes from a factory that makes Twizzlers so that smell is always wafting through the air..deliciously obnoxious because it makes me crave them constantly!


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] anonymous October 8 2011, 03:45:41 UTC
I'd love too.. but im an english (insomniac too, given its nearly 5am, and im stalking kink meme's) girl.

I got quite addicted to them when i was in America for 2 months. And then further addictions during random holidays. Believe it or not, i've just spent the time from that comment to now, googling websites to see if i can find any!

Jolly ranchers too! UK companies stopped making them.. and every candy in america is grape and watermelon which is so much more delicious than our boring blackcurrant and raspberry stuff.

It costs usually about £8 or £9 for a box of lucky charms :(


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] _nevergone October 8 2011, 03:55:12 UTC
oh no, that's horrible :( i would totally mail you some twizzlers and jolly ranchers!


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] anonymous October 8 2011, 04:04:01 UTC
Dammit, i knew i shouldn't of started looking.

I found a website with everything, including all the flavours of skittles! And the peanut butter and pretzel m&ms. Im going to be in New York in March, i will have to stock up then! :D


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] megan_moonlight October 11 2011, 05:17:53 UTC
Awww, this was so wonderful! :D I won't stop smiling now XD


Re: Aftertaste [1/1] flamyshine October 12 2011, 07:59:39 UTC
Dawww!! I need a candy noooow XD

I died at the "It was painfully obvious, it always was, just more so lately." line! I'm so glad that Mike made a move first, or it would've taken ages for Harvey to do something about it XD

Wonderfully cute fic!


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