Suitov: Did you know, also, that technically I do have a duty to be marriageable? It's stupid when the enemy's not even from the same planet, but by law, I don't get to marry without royal permission during wartime, in case my hand is needed as a deal-sweetener.
Anke: Cool!
Suitov: It's such fun to be a commodity!
Weft: Sure is!
Suitov: ...I was being sarcastic.
Weft: I was agreeing.
Anke: Usually I hear that role only foisted on women
Suitov: Women too.
Suitov: Don't worry, though. If I'm trapped in an arranged marriage to someone mean, I'll faint dramatically and throw a tantrum and then escape by climbing down my bedsheets.
Anke: that's smart
Anke: Or you could ask Weft to kill them ^_^
Suitov: And if anyone tries to make me wear a corset I'll turn blue in the face and
Suitov: Alas, owing to certain misunderstandings, I'm not allowed near the crown cities armed. And Weft, even naked, probably counts as a weapon.
Suitov: However, despite a lengthy demonstration during the Games, nobody seems to have reclassified *me* as a weapon.
Anke: how very vexing
Suitov: Other than that's why I'm not allowed to enter a castle with a penknife anywhere about my person.
Anke: cute
Suitov: Clever, isn't it? I demonstrate that I'm dangerous unarmed, and
Roy invokes a law that says I'm not allowed to carry a weapon... a weapon, I might add, which would actually slow me down for a few seconds while I threw it aside.
Suitov: Shouldn't grumble, though. Similar tyrants would have had me executed.
Anke: For what, exactly?
Suitov: Existing during his reign.
Suitov: Well, more seriously, being a scary
Suitov: Well, all right, a loud, inexperienced, opinionated wyrd.
Suitov: Basically, being an idiot.
Anke: ^_^