(no subject)

Apr 18, 2011 22:36

I want to know the FACTS already re: Manu and Benni. When Manu goes it will hurt, but if he transfers to B*y*rn  I will lose all respect for him. They are one of Schalke's fiercest rivals - and someone like him who has been there since forever, has been a fan since he was a little kid and is pretty much the no1 identification figure at the club atm DOES NOT transfer to the piece of shit club down there. Is money really that important? Important enough to throw away everything and transfer to a club like that, where he's also unwanted by the audience?

If the urge to leave is THAT big because playing CL/EL is clearly more important than being the most important player of the club that you loved all your life  why not go to England? I heart Man Utd is interested in him, they are AT LEAST at B*y*rn level and the tensions with Schalke are not even closely as strong. If he goes there for example it will still hurt but if he goes to the crap club I will lose all respect for him.

For Benni, I still have hopes that he'll stay, given his recent interview where he claimed to love playing here so much. But then again, it is hard to find a football heart that's defined by love to the club and not money or success greed. I thought that Manu was one of them but alas, everything seems to point at the fact that I was wrong. 

football, rants

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