(no subject)

Jul 12, 2006 22:44

I'm sitting with Devie right now in the Gameroom. On my computer. Which is new. And ridiculously awesome. Wireless internet is one of the neatest things I've ever encountered, by far. People are absolute hoodlums in the game room. Devie and I have had arguments about "her people" and "my people." Mostly because her people make a ruckus and my people just play ping pong. Quietly. :-P.
I was going to go out to Gary's house tonight, but I decided to just stay here because I have been sick lately and didn't want to keep him up all night with my throaty coughing fits. So here I stayed. I went to the bank earlier, paid part of my credit card bill, and on a whim went to goodwill and bought the turth about cats and dogs for 25 cents and a really cute skirt. I watched part of the movie when I came home and then came over to see Devie. And have been here ever since. With the hoodlums. We're going to play a round of "Time Crisis II" when the hoodlums peace out.
It's been an okay week. I worked Mon and Tues, with a night off tonight. Then I'm working tomorrow, friday and saturday nights, sunday off, and then monday (expo, which I'm worried about because I've never done it before and it's the night of the new menu change...eek.) and Tuesday night. Then I my new scehdule goes into beginning where I'm hopefully only working three nights a week...thurs fri and sat. we'll see. that's pretty much how it is for the school year, and I already signed out for peer mentor training and then orientation. It'll get crazy around the time of the show, but it should be okay. I'm looking to a really stressful semester and just trying to mentally prepare myself for it. I already bought my planner for the school year, so as soon as August rolls in, I can start using that...thank God. The planner is what really keeps me sane...I love calendars...

time to go back to the room...after time crisis II of course.

nighty night.

devie, ping pong, wireless

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