the picture with the cigars is really fucking fantastic. this is sad, and i don't even know what's going on. but, thank you for coming out and saying hi to me the other night - i felt like a jackass in that stupid car, but it made me feel really good that you came out. yep, good luck with the pending situation, and be well!
Some of those pictures go back more than a year, it doesn't seem like its been that long. But all those pictures and the moments and experiences behind them made what was otherwise a shitty year into one of the most memorable I've ever had. And I can look back and remember that on probably half of those days I just wanted to stay home and sleep or be alone for whatever reason, and if I had I would have missed so much. You're definitely one of the coolest people I've been around and I think I speak for everyone in saying that theres never a time when we don't want you around. So just kind of remember that even though you do deserve the chance to be alone right now, being around people who care about you isn't such a bad thing.
Comments 8
hey it was nice seeing you the other night. i know we don't know eachother that well but we should get together sometime and hang out.
512 9924 :)
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