Like most Newtown residents, I have no difficulty with taking much of what I see with a grain of salt.
If you want to get so many piercings that homeless people will be tempted to kidnap and sell you for scrap metal than be my guest. Likewise, if you wish to have your head surgically altered to resemble Picasso's cubist period then go for it. I probably won't even notice.
Yes, I'm a tolerant, live-and-let-live kind of guy and like to think that I can take anyone I meet at face value, regardless of age, lifestyle-choice or capacity to be recognised as human.
But I do have one gripe to make - all these mincing homosexuals have really ruined the local gay bar.
Like most tolerant, heterosexual men, I appreciate a good gay bar. It's a place where I can enjoy the company of other tolerant, heterosexual men while confirming our status as open minded members of a cosmopolitan society. But nothing screws that up faster than having some whining, nancy-faggot sing Kylie Minogue songs two feet from your head.
Where do these people get off? Actually, that's another gripe, they tend to get off in pairs about two feet from me when I'm trying to play pinball in an openly tolerant way. For Christ's sake, if I wanted to see two men chewing one another's tongues out I'd have stayed home and watched "Philadelphia". I expect a better standard of behaviour in a gay bar and these bog-trotters are just lowering the tone.